<CPOV> sharing summaries, sharing experiences

Niesyto, Johanna niesyto at fk615.uni-siegen.de
Mon Jul 12 14:42:31 CEST 2010

hello everybody

the presence of researchers on this year's wikimania was again very obvious; also the wikisym took place at about the same time. within wikimania researchers presented some findings to Wikipedians:

* http://wikimania2010.wikimedia.org/wiki/Submissions/The_State_of_Wikimedia_Scholarship:_2009-2010

Also they called for sharing summaries about growing Wikipedia research

* http://acawiki.org/Home

Also a panel addressed specifically the question of research ethics in which amongst other things the question of anonymity/pseudonymity was raised

* http://wikimania2010.wikimedia.org/wiki/Submissions/Academic_Researchers_in_Wikimedia_Communities:_Ethics,_Methods,_and_Policies  (it was called to continue the discussion on wiki research-l and discussion user experiences). 


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