<CPOV> Community Run or Royal Decree?

Jon Awbrey jawbrey at att.net
Tue May 4 22:56:10 CEST 2010


I wasn't one of the experimenters conducting that particular series of trials,
but I fully sympathize with their reasons for doing so.  I can tell you from
my own experience with EN Wikipedia, several other language-based Wikipedias,
and numerous Wikimedia sibling wikis, including a couple of Wikiversities,
that all of us have exhausted all of the due and proper preceding stages
of grief with Wikipediocracy before we reach the stage of engaging in
that mode of ''Consumer Report'' testing.  Everything that concerned
and reasonable citizens naturally do 1st and 2nd and 3rd and 4th ...
simply falls on deaf ears and they find themselves forced to
march on Wiki-Walesington in order to be heard at all.

Jon Hancock, er, Awbrey

Mathieu ONeil wrote:
> After a while in the link-thicket (trolls vs good foundation?,
 > control-freak foundation vs brave souls who just want to be free?)
 > my mind starts to leak out my ears and I begin to think heretical
 > thoughts such as "isn't there a more productive way to expend your
 > energy than conducting 'breaching experiments'?" Or "is there simply
 > too much bad blood between these antagonists to ever be able to
 > communicate"? ... but thanks guys, I did learn some new stuff!
> cheers
> M
> ****
> Dr Mathieu O'Neil
> Adjunct Research Fellow
> Australian Demographic and Social Research Institute
> College of Arts and Social Science
> The Australian National University
> email: mathieu.oneil[at]anu.edu.au
> web: http://adsri.anu.edu.au/people/visitors/mathieu.php


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