<CPOV> tools

Juliana Brunello juliana at networkcultures.org
Tue May 11 15:50:12 CEST 2010

Interesting tools for research

Visualization from anonymous edits to Wikipedia (almost) in real-time

Lists anonymous wikipedia edits from organizations. You can type in the
organization you want to research about and it shows you the results.

Easy way of making a mind map based on Wikipedia connections.

Wikirage tracks the pages in Wikipedia which are receiving the most edits
over various periods of time.

Just enter a wikipedia article title and press go for the statistics on
how much the page was viewed.

DBpedia extracts structured information from Wikipedia and to make this
information available on the Web. DBpedia allows you to ask sophisticated
queries against Wikipedia, and to link other data sets on the Web to
Wikipedia data.

A website with all deleted articles from wikipedia.

The top summary graph shows the weekly edit pattern of the article.

View and edit Wikipedia articles as if they were real files

Enter either a URL of the format: http://www.example.com or copy and paste
a paragraph of text of at least 100 words to find similar content.

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