<CPOV> opinions about wikipedia part 1
Louis Suarez-Potts
luispo at gmail.com
Fri Jan 7 01:14:18 CET 2011
Hi all,
On 2011-01-06, at 18:20 , nathaniel tkacz wrote:
> i think the blog post is, well, pretty crap. here's why…
I have to agree. Indeed, the time spent even thinking about this blog entry can be valued only in the sense that it defines time wasted.
> it is for this lack of accuracy and knowledge about wikipedia, that this blog post will never be a success.
… or about what even counts as the effort to document, ontologise, "knowledge" as such. So, here's a probably equally worthless point, but one that, equally, bears scrutiny:
As we enter the real first decade of this century (yes, we are still locked in the embrace of the last decade, still shrugging off the shroud of the 20th century), What collaborative aims do we claim for the identification and documentation of knowledge?
I ask because I can see the dual problematic of peer-reviewed publications under pressure and in crisis (too slow, they are), and the emergence of not just a single but multiple nodes of accessible and probably trustworthy information (if not knowledge). The first arguably led to a politics of knowledge that led us, ideally, out of the woods of demagoguery (it didn't) and the second levels those woods but still presents us with the scarecrows of false beliefs and understandings.
Put another way: What modalities of knowledge should we even want? And I mean for this question to appertain to education, to basic knowledge, to that which would or should equip a citizen agent of this new world?
> from sunny melbourne, happy new year cpov!
From snowy Toronto, the same wishes, for a happy new year!
> Nate Tkacz
> School of Culture and Communication
> University of Melbourne
> Twitter: http://twitter.com/__nate__
> Research Page: http://nathanieltkacz.net
> Current project: http://networkcultures.org/wpmu/cpov/about-2/
> On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 6:52 AM, Geert Lovink <geert at xs4all.nl> wrote:
> > (let's make a marathon, who sends part 2?)
> >
> > http://woorkup.com/2010/12/31/wikipedia-an-ephemeral-surrogate-for-the-universal-knowledge/
> >
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