<CPOV> Journalistic article about Wikipedia's influence as an online activist

Sjoerd Arends contactm at sjoerdarends.nl
Thu Jul 12 15:38:02 CEST 2012

Dear mr/ms,


As a Dutch freelance journalist I am working on an article about Wikipedia's
influence on media and law. Reason for this article is the current black out
Wikipedia arranged for itself to protest the Russian censorship laws. And
earlier we saw the site was taken down to protest ACTA. I noticed that Dutch
media immediately responded and reported about the actions, bringing the
topics to life. This quick and massive response on a wiki protest intrigues
me and I want to find out if Wikipedia is as powerful as I think, when it
comes to online activism. For this I need one or more experts, who can tell
me more about this topic. Do you like to comment or do you know someone else
who would? In that case I would like to arrange a Skype conversation.


Thank you in advance.


Yours sincerely,

Sjoerd Arends



::Journalist - Contactm at sjoerdarends.nl - 031(0)652631868 -
Twitter at SjoerdArends - www.sjoerdarends.nl:: 


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