<CPOV> Print Wikipedia at Denny Gallery, opens today

Geert Lovink geert at xs4all.nl
Thu Jun 18 19:26:54 CEST 2015

Launching Print Wikipedia <http://mandiberg.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=14ddb0f81170cd5b9ad0c4ad6&id=bf4cdd6083&e=7ab9e5e442> series today in a solo show at Denny Gallery                         
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Print Wikipedia, Courtesy of Michael Mandiberg and Denny Gallery, NYC
Dear friends and colleagues,

After six years of work, a residency in the Canadian Rockies, endless debugging, and more than a little help from my friends, today I am exhibiting Print Wikipedia <http://mandiberg.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=14ddb0f81170cd5b9ad0c4ad6&id=6487ff6a07&e=7ab9e5e442>: a new artwork in which custom software transforms the entirety of the English-language Wikipedia into 7,471 of volumes and uploads them for print-on-demand. I'm excited to be launching this project in a solo exhibition, From Aaaaa! to ZZZap! <http://mandiberg.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=14ddb0f81170cd5b9ad0c4ad6&id=1faa8522df&e=7ab9e5e442>, at Denny Gallery in New York, on view from June 18th to July 2nd.

During the first weekend of the exhibition (June 18th-21st), the gallery will be open 24 hours as the computer continues the upload process without pause. If you aren't able to visit the gallery in person, you can follow the process on Twitter; we will post to the @PrintWikipedia <http://mandiberg.us6.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=14ddb0f81170cd5b9ad0c4ad6&id=80b696249e&e=7ab9e5e442> Twitter account after it finishes each volume.
ART, from Print Wikipedia, 2015. Courtesy of Michael Mandiberg and Denny Gallery, NYC.
Individual volumes and the entirety of Print Wikipedia, Wikipedia Table of Contents, and Wikipedia Contributor Appendix will be available for sale. All of the volumes will be available on Lulu.com <http://mandiberg.us6.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=14ddb0f81170cd5b9ad0c4ad6&id=8350889e3a&e=7ab9e5e442> as they are uploaded, so by the end of the upload/exhibition all of the volumes will be available for individual purchase. Each of the 7,471 volumes is made up of 700 pages, for a total of 5,244,11 pages. The Wikipedia Table of Contents is comprised of 63,372 pages in 91 volumes. The Wikipedia Contributor Appendix contains the names of all contributors to the English-language Wikipedia (nearly 7.5 Million).
The exhibition has already gotten some really great press! I'm deeply honored to be featured in a New York Times article <http://mandiberg.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=14ddb0f81170cd5b9ad0c4ad6&id=03caab344f&e=7ab9e5e442> published on Tuesday. Other articles are out in the Washington Post <http://mandiberg.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=14ddb0f81170cd5b9ad0c4ad6&id=c1ba370181&e=7ab9e5e442>, the New York Observer <http://mandiberg.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=14ddb0f81170cd5b9ad0c4ad6&id=f9e621ad61&e=7ab9e5e442> and ARTnews <http://mandiberg.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=14ddb0f81170cd5b9ad0c4ad6&id=490f77e49f&e=7ab9e5e442>. I'm doing an AMA on reddit <http://mandiberg.us6.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=14ddb0f81170cd5b9ad0c4ad6&id=6474feddba&e=7ab9e5e442> today from 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM EST. Ask me some questions!
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