<Fair City Amsterdam> FW: Brief Tweede Kamer - Wet Kraken en Leegstand
alidada at dds.nl
Sat Aug 24 15:53:00 CEST 2019
Ja, geen bezwaar!
"jan at disroot.org" <jan at disroot.org> schreef op 24 augustus 2019 13:28:00 CEST:
>Ik weet niet of iemand daar een verlicht idee over heeft, maar het
>mij een goed idee om dat formeel te maken.
>Zullen we zeggen dat als daar op deze mailinglijst geen overwegend
>bezwaar tegen komt voor die tijd dat dan morgenmiddag na 12:00 er een
>mail wordt opgesteld aan de organisatie van de brief dat Fair City
>Amsterdam medeondertekent?
>On 23/08/2019 10:57, Patrice Riemens wrote:
>> Yeah! +1 !
>> p+2D!
>> On 2019-08-23 10:51, Bart Klaar wrote:
>>> beste Jan en allen.
>>> Goedemorgen,
>>> Aangezien de argumenten van deze brief ook de basis is van Faircity,
>>> zou ik zeggen dat we met allen liefde ondertekenen.
>>> Als platform Faircity, en ik zelf ook als bewoner/
>>> VD Pekbuurt
>>> met groet! Bart Stuart
>>> On Thu, Aug 22, 2019 at 10:48 PM jan at disroot.org <jan at disroot.org>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Een verzoek om medeondertekening dat rondgaat...
>>>> ----
>>>> Subject: Brief Tweede Kamer - Wet Kraken en Leegstand
>>>> From: woonstrijd at riseup.net
>>>> Date: 22/08/2019, 13:32
>>>> To: woonstrijd at riseup.net
>>>> Dear all,
>>>> We, KSU (squatting assistance) volunteers from Amsterdam, wrote a
>>>> letter
>>>> (in Dutch, attached) to the Tweede Kamer to express our opposition
>>>> to
>>>> the amendment to the 2010 “Wet Kraken en Leegstand” (squatting
>>>> and
>>>> vacancy law) proposed by the VVD and CDA.
>>>> The change, as the law itself, focuses on squatters, not
>>>> and
>>>> would enable the authorities to make a decision on whether to evict
>>>> within three days. This threatens squatters' right to a fair
>>>> hearing,
>>>> whilst doing nothing for the problems affecting the majority of the
>>>> population.
>>>> Private renting costs continue to spiral out of control,
>>>> “social”
>>>> housing waiting lists grow longer and longer, and precarious living
>>>> conditions (homelessness, temporary rental contracts, and
>>>> agreements) have become the new normal.
>>>> The law and its amendment are populist moves for political capital,
>>>> and
>>>> benefit only a very small minority of people - namely those who
>>>> their properties empty during an extreme housing shortage.
>>>> We would like to ask any organisations and individuals who share
>>>> anger to undersign this letter, which will be sent out to the
>>>> government
>>>> and media outlets before the Tweede Kamer starts debating the
>>>> amendment
>>>> at the beginning of September.
>>>> If you'd like to do so, please share it with those in your network
>>>> who
>>>> may be supportive, and respond to this email
>(woonstrijd at riseup.net)
>>>> with names and/or organisations by Tuesday, the 27th of August to
>>>> have
>>>> your signature included.
>>>> You can also submit your own opinion on the proposed amendment
>>>> through
>>>> the government's public consultations portal:
>>>> https://www.internetconsultatie.nl/kraakverbod
>>>> And perhaps most importantly, if you and/or your organisation are
>>>> also
>>>> facing housing struggles, then let's get organised together to
>>>> support
>>>> one another.
>>>> KSUs Amsterdam
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> faircityamsterdam mailing list
>>>> faircityamsterdam at listcultures.org
>>> --
>>> Buro Spelen
>>> Bart Stuart en Klaar van der Lippe
>>> +31(0)6 36188407
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>>> - - - - - - - - - - -
>>> Websites: www.burospelen.com [1] / www.burospelenblog.nl/ [2]
>>> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>>> - - - - - - - - - - -
>>> Office/studio NDSM-plein 76 1033 WB Amsterdam
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>>> Post: muurbloemstraat 8 hs 1031 TT Amsterdam
>>> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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>>> BTW (VAT) no. NL147245217B01
>>> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>>> - - - - - - - - - - -
>>> To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong. -
>>> Joseph Chilton Pearce
>>> Links:
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>>> [1] http://www.burospelen.com
>>> [2] http://www.burospelenblog.nl
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>>> faircityamsterdam mailing list
>>> faircityamsterdam at listcultures.org
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>faircityamsterdam at listcultures.org
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