<Fair City Amsterdam> ReFraming Environmentalism
Menno Grootveld
rabotnik at xs4all.nl
Wed Sep 4 09:48:02 CEST 2019
Klopt, dit programma is nieuw en (nog volop) in ontwikkeling. Wel heel
interessant voor iedereen op deze lijst, ook tegen de achtergrond van de
jongste ontwikkelingen (ontruiming Lutkemeerpolder in het perspectief
van de bredere vraag waar we heen willen met onze stad)
Op 04-09-19 om 09:37 schreef jan at disroot.org:
> Nog niet hier langs zien komen...
> FCS Amsterdam 2019https://fcsamsterdam.nl/programm <https://fcsamsterdam.nl/programm/> ReFraming Environmentalism -Hybrid Spaces (Nieuwe en Meer) -Space and Time (Ruigoord) -Recentralisation (Vrij Paleis) After three symposia at Ruigoord (NL) and others in Boom-Land in Portugal, Christiania in Denmark, the Republic of Uupis in Lithuania and the ADM (NL), the eighth symposium is descending on three different cultural centers in Amsterdam. Decentralisation is of general importance for free cultural spaces and an important aspect of development of cooperation. This symposium can be viewed as a follow-up to the 7 th Symposium on FCS (on degentrification) and the manifestation Priceless Capital (Onbetaalbaar Kapitaal) presented by the Cultural Defense Line of Amsterdam (de Culturele Stelling van Amsterdam, C.S.A.) at De Zwijger in Amsterdam in June this year. The symposium theme will be Reframing Environmentalism. We expand our usual definition of environment to include those places we call home: our streets, neighborhoods, communities. At the three locations we will focus on three subthemes; respectively: Hybrid Space (Nieuw en Meer), Space and Time (Ruigoord) and Recentralisation (Vrij Paleis). The final day of the Symposium is intended to present a statement to the city ofAmsterdam in word and deed by having a demonstration leading to the old Provo-Totem Het Lieverdje. The parade will commemorate 50 years of Kabouterbeweging.
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