<Fair City Amsterdam> Fwd: Call for a Study on sustainable tourism
patrice riemens
patrice at xs4all.nl
Mon Feb 8 16:40:26 CET 2021
Misschien is dit iets voor iemand van jullie - het gaat dus over 'short term rental platforms' zoals 'AirBnB' - maar wellicht ook een kans om het 'FairBnB' concept te pusjen. Maar het gaat niet alleen over Amsterdam, natuurlijjk.
Niet onbelangrijk detail: ik verneem van Laura dat 't stik goed betaald wordt ...
Ciao Ciao, p+7D!
> ---------- Oorspronkelijk Bericht ----------
> Van: Laura Colini <laura.colini at GMAIL.COM>
> Datum: 08-02-2021 09:49
> Onderwerp: Call for a Study on sustainable tourism
> Dear Inurians,
> Is there anybody who is willing to dedicate the next few months to a policy-oriented study on short-term rental platforms in the frame of the EU UA Urban Agenda?
> It is directed to the EU COM and the final goal is to suggest better regulations. This work will be done in collaboration with a lawyer, I am assigned to follow the development of the Study. It would be really great if we have somebody from Inura working on this:
> Here the Link https://urbact.eu/call-expert-sustainable-tourism
> If anybody is interested please apply and/or write directly to me.
> Have a nice Monday,
> Laura
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