<Fair City Amsterdam> 'My Home is an Asset Class'

patrice riemens patrice at xs4all.nl
Wed Feb 2 18:40:13 CET 2022

Of zoals de ex baas van Vestia al zei (hij zit toch in de bak?) "De kerntaak van de sociale woningbouw is financieeen" ...
Ciao Ciao, p+7D!

> On 02/02/2022 2:16 PM Natuurbescherming ZO <natuurbeschermingzo at xs4all.nl> wrote:
> Ja, asset management is erg in. Zolang het alleen pensioenfondsen zijn die daar voordeel uit halen komt het geld nog goed terecht, maar private equity bedrijven als Blackstone zijn natuurlijk andere koek.
> Asset management onderneming Superstruct Entertainment Ltd. heeft met ID&T alleen al 90 festivals en venues onder zijn hoede. Het gaat om financial management, en de assets in dit geval zijn parken en natuurgebieden.
> Dus het laatste bastion, de openbare ruimte, is al toegevoegd als assets van multinationale financiële ondernemingen.
> En dat wordt bevorderd en zelfs gesponsord (de verhuurprijs van de locaties is miniem) door een coalitie in Amsterdam die zich ‘democratisch en groen’ noemt.
> Groet,
> Hetty
> On 2 Feb 2022, at 11:57, patrice riemens <patrice at xs4all.nl mailto:patrice at xs4all.nl > wrote:
> Aloha,
> met dank aan Kees Stad die mij dit rapport, betaald door De Groenen in Duitsland, gestuurd heeft:
> https://www.greens-efa.eu/en/article/document/my-home-is-an-asset-class
> Over the past decades, institutional landlords – from real estate companies like the German giant Vonovia to private equity companies like Blackstone, or pension funds like ABP, the Dutch pension fund for government and education employees – have minted EUR 40bn of Berlin’s houses into assets that they rent out. This is roughly double the combined value of London’s and Amsterdam's institutionally owned houses and it is a trend that has accelerated since the COVID19 pandemic.
> Europe’s residential real estate has become an attractive asset class for investors worldwide, supported by a range of government policies that are ostensibly aimed at homeowners: support for housing markets pushes up house prices and reduces affordability for citizens, whereas income support for rent-paying households ensures stable returns for investors.
> In response, citizens across Europe – from Berlin to Dublin and Madrid – have mobilized to pressure governments into taking action. >From rent controls to better regulation or even expropriation of institutional landlords, the political tide seems to be turning against a decades-old phenomenon known as the financialization of housing.
> A mega-trend across housing markets everywhere, it can be understood as the disproportionate growth of housing finance relative to the underlying housing economy or the turn to Housing as an Asset Class (HAC), captured by the increasing for-profit and financial orientation of actors in housing markets, and encouraged in Europe by a broad range of European-level financial legislation.
> In this report, we explore the growing importance of institutional landlords such as Blackstone, focusing in particular on the mechanisms through which European legislation has accommodated their strategies to transform housing into asset classes. We use data to map the complex financial ecosystem behind private equity landlords. We then propose
> a set of reforms that would de-financialize housing for the public good.
> (volgen 5 blz 'Key Take-Aways'
> je kunt ook het hele rapport downloaden - vast lang!)
> (Fijn om te lezen dat belastinggeld dat bedoeld is on individuele huisbezit aan te moedigen in de zakken van Blackstone cs vloeit - en nu niet beweren dat dit onverwacht/ onvoorzien, en onbedoeld was ...)
> Doewie, p+7D!
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