<Fair City Amsterdam> Nederland escaleert gevaarlijk

Natuurbescherming ZO natuurbeschermingzo at xs4all.nl
Fri Jul 12 15:19:27 CEST 2024

Nederland is met de levering van F16’s onverantwoordelijk aan het escaleren.
De bendevorming heeft zeer gevaarlijke vormen aangenomen. En de opperbobo, de POTUS, leeft in een waanwereld, waarin hij aangaf dat hij doorgaat met zijn missie om ‘Poetn' eronder te krijgen omdat God hem nog niet heeft teruggeroepen, dam'it!

"It is not quite NATO declaring a no-fly zone over Ukraine, which was dismissed by President Joe Biden in March 2022 because 'that’s called World War III, okay? Let’s get it straight here, guys. We will not fight the third world war in Ukraine.' 
'President Biden’s been clear that … if you establish a no-fly zone, certainly in order to enforce that no-fly zone, you’ll have to engage Russian aircraft. And again, that would put us at war with Russia,' added Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin at the time. 
Though not declaring a no-fly zone, these are still NATO fighter jets leaving from NATO countries to operate with Ukrainian pilots against Russian aircraft in Ukrainian airspace. More dangerously, NATO is permitting Ukraine to fly the F-16s to attack inside Russian territory.
So what changed since March 2022 to allow the U.S. and NATO to risk, in the previous words of Biden, “World War III?”  

What’s changed is that back then the White House and the Pentagon still thought the strategy of economic and information warfare plus a proxy ground war would defeat Russia in Ukraine, and ultimately bring down Vladimir Putin in Moscow. 
But for more than a year now it’s been evident that the U.S. — and NATO — have lost the economic and information war, as well as the proxy fighting on the ground in Ukraine. One year into the war, French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz told Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at a dinner in February 2023 that he had to face facts: Ukraine would lose the war and should negotiate a settlement with Moscow.

The Big Lie

U.S.-led NATO could not launch its economic, information and proxy war against Russia without cause. That cause would be Russia invading Ukraine to defend ethnic Russians in a civil war that had raged since 2014, sparked when the U.S. helped to overthrow the democratically-elected government that year.

NATO’s aim is to regain control of Russian resources and finances as the West enjoyed in the 1990s, when it asset-stripped formerly state-owned industries, enriching themselves and a new class of oligarchs while impoverishing the Russian people. Putin is now standing in their way. 

Realizing it is losing, NATO has permitted Ukraine to attack Russian territory with its long-range missiles, which it had previously refused to do, and is now delivering the F-16s, which the Netherlands recklessly will allow Ukraine to fly inside Russia to strike targets there.   

Accompanying these dangerous moves, putting the entire world at risk, NATO is ramping up the fantasy that Putin, like Hitler before him, is bent on conquering all of Europe, a continuation of the decades-long exaggerated Soviet threat that justified NATO’s existence to begin with.

Still desperate for direct NATO intervention, Zelensky’s hallucination at the summit was that the line of defense against Russia attacking the West lies in Ukraine. Macron has changed his tune from his dinner with Zelensky, now advocating sending French troops to the battlefield. And Biden, striving to appear lucid, made it a central theme of his address. 

Faking Defense for Offense”

De geloofwaardigheid van het westen, van de NAVO en van de EU is al zwaar beschadigd. De genadeslag voor alle drie komt nog als deze waarzin nog verder gaat. Niet Rusland wordt geruïneerd, maar de EU.
Het wordt tijd dat Rutte hier wat aan gaat doen. Of gaat hij collaboreren met een land dat de soevereiniteit van geen enkel ander land respecteert, inclusief, de EU-landen?
War is peace.
Treason is patriotism.
Offence is defence.

Nietzsche zag het verlies van ‘waarden’ in zijn tijd al aankomen.
De waarden worden gewoon omgekeerd, Umwertung aller Werte.
We zien het voor onze ogen weer gebeuren.
Nie wieder, Nooit Weer? Morgen brengen!


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