<Fair City Amsterdam> NAVO en Israel

Natuurbescherming ZO natuurbeschermingzo at xs4all.nl
Sun Jul 21 13:22:15 CEST 2024


"NATO has a long, close and relatively unknown relationship with Israel that in 2016 resulted in the establishment of an Israel office in the Brussels headquarters of the military alliance. 

NATO’s long-standing working relationship with Israel has translated into NATO countries selling weapons to Israel and other countries buying weapons from Israel’s big weapons industry.

With the exception of Canada, the Netherlands, Spain, and Belgium, the remainder of the 32 NATO members continue to sell/send weapons to Israel as Israel conducts genocide operations on Palestinians in Gaza. 

Due to a court case, Denmark may suspend export of F-35 fighter jet parts to the U.S., because the U.S. sells the jets to Israel.
German Member of Parliament Sevim Dagdelen spoke in Washington, D.C., on July 6 at the NO to NATO; YES to PEACE symposium and on July 7 at the rally for peace at the White House.

First myth: That NATO is a defensive alliance abiding by international law.
Dagdelen said that 
“over the last quarter century, NATO has waged unprovoked, illegal wars of aggression against Yugoslavia and Libya; and the United States, the leader of the alliance, invaded and occupied Iraq, in a catastrophic adventure – to name three notorious examples.”

Second myth: That NATO stands for democracy and the rule of law.
“The reality is that NATO has never had a problem with counting military dictatorships or fascist regimes among its members. Portugal, one of NATO’s founding members, murdered thousands of Africans in its colonial wars and tortured hundreds to death in concentration camps. That was never a problem for this particular collective of shared values, just as Erdo?an’s Türkiye, with its support for jihadists terrorist groups in Syria, poses no particular ethical problem for it today.”

Third myth: That NATO is a community of shared values and stands for human rights.
“In reality, the wars conducted by the United States and its Allies over the last 20 years alone have killed four and a half million people, as calculated by researchers at the esteemed Brown University. The torture and detention camp at Guantánamo Bay Naval Base is still in operation to this day. The journalist Julian Assange was tormented nearly to death for 14 years because he had published evidence of U.S. war crimes. Benjamin Netanyahu’s far-right government continues to receive American and European support in the form of arms deliveries for its onslaught against Gaza, which cannot credibly be justified by recourse to the right of self-defense.””

Nu de huidige staat Israel feitelijk het zionisme als allesoverheersende ideologie heeft aangenomen (hoewel het duidelijk is dat een groot deel van de joodse bevolking van Israel het niet eens is met Netanyahu), wat niets anders is dan een andere versie van de nazi-ideologie van ‘Blut und Boden”, in dit geval gebaseerd op de mythe van een Joodse natie of volk, dat zijn geschiedenis begint met Genesis, met name Genesis 5, waarin de eerste geslachten opgenoemd werden met personages die elk zo’n 1000 jaar oud werden.
Mythen zijn de onderbouw van o.a. het fascisme dat steunt op permanente oorlogen omdat de fascistische ideologieën uitgaan van de eigen superioriteit en het recht om anderen waar ook te verdrijven uit hun zogezegd eigen mythologische gebieden.
Dat zien we ook in de huidige opzet van de hegemonie van de VS, en zijn militaire machtpoot, de NAVO. Het huidige Israel en de EU schuren daar momenteel nauw tegenaan. Dat is zeer zorgwekkend. Want wat in naziDuitsland gebeurde, is ook nu weer aan de gang.


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