<Fair City Amsterdam> REMINDER: Open Cultural Studies - call for Section Editors

Kowalczyk, Michal Michal.Kowalczyk at degruyter.com
Thu Mar 28 13:57:58 CET 2024

Open Cultural Studies<https://www.facebook.com/OpenCulturalStudies?__cft__[0]=AZX17CPkz_t_yE6ryR55744EOg2Qo0J9bRMTrXD7-wddYnAbyzTc7weY8Pqi-qPJak5hh9xQjVfrPLwxPiFw19D_fPd0cTS_gfN8NnAQggdfOZseyBohb1aBtJsAShiWL7rXCb8IkPIAbB4ktDz_Lr1Aih7SWi96m4cCdPHPW9Xj0d1_kteX_rNlUJENwYSWWh8&__tn__=-]K-R> - an open access journal published by De Gruyter (https://www.degruyter.com/journal/key/culture/html) - invites applications for Section Editors.
Main responsibilities:
- handling the evaluation process of assigned manuscripts
- playing an active role in the development of the journal
- Ph.D. in cultural studies or a related discipline
- good knowledge of English
- enthusiasm and punctuality
The position requires occasional work and is not remunerated.
Applications, including CV and a cover letter, will be collected by Managing Editor of the journal Dr. Katarzyna Tempczyk (katarzyna.tempczyk at degruyter.com) until March 31, 2024.
In the subject of the e-mail, please enter: application / Section Editor / Open Cultural Studies / name and surname

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