<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"></head><body style="word-wrap: break-word; -webkit-nbsp-mode: space; line-break: after-white-space;" class="">We gaan er algemeen van uit dat Obama een van de betere presidenten was van de VS. Bij nader inzien blijkt dat niet het geval te zijn. Het aantal significante militaire interventies begon in Obama’s eerste jaar, 2009, zoals gebruikelijk in de VS, maar is in 2017 gestegen tot record hoogte. Dat blijkt de erfenis van Obama te zijn. Vanaf 2017 sloegen de vlammen de pan uit. In elk geval is Trump gedwongen geweest om door te gaan met de militaire acties van zijn voorganger, maar hij heeft zelf geen nieuwe oorlogen opgestart.<div class=""><br class=""></div><div class="">Militaire ingrepen van de VS van 1800 tot 2000</div><div class=""><a href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chart_for_List_of_Notable_Deployments_of_US_Military_Forces_Overseas.jpg" class="">https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chart_for_List_of_Notable_Deployments_of_US_Military_Forces_Overseas.jpg</a></div><div class=""><br class="">In elk geval is de VS de aanstichter van zowat alle militaire operaties wereldwijd. De andere NAVO-landen hebben maar te gedwee te volgen en F35’s te kopen die telkens dure updates vereisen en nog niet willen deugen.<br class=""><br class="">“Für die Zeit <i class="">ab dem ersten Jahrhundert</i> nach unserer Zeitrechnung bis zum Jahr 2000 listet Arno Peters [Synchronoptische Wetlgeschichte] weltweit 819 kriegerische Ereignisse auf. Allein die Kriege und Geheimdienstoperationen der USA gehen seit 1798 in die Hunderte. So führten die USA in der Zeit von 1798 bis 1945 165 Auslandsoperationen durch, davon dauerten zahlreiche mehrere Jahre. Die Auflistung zeigt, dass die USA ein imperialistischer Kriegsstaat waren und immer noch sind: Allein für die Zeit nach 1945 zählt ein Kongressreport weltweit 282 Militäroperation der USA.”<br class="">Der neue Faschismus, der keiner sein will, Ullrich Mies, 3. Auflage, 2024.<br class=""><br class="">De laatste versie van het rapport van het Congress tot 2023 vindt u hier:<br class=""><a href="https://sgp.fas.org/crs/natsec/R42738.pdf" class="">https://sgp.fas.org/crs/natsec/R42738.pdf</a></div><div class="">Nog een andere bron:</div><div class=""><a href="https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/about/archives/2022/field/military-deployments/" class="">https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/about/archives/2022/field/military-deployments/</a><br class="">En daar zijn de door de VS georganiseerde staatsgrepen, coups en geheime interventies niet bijgerekend.</div><div class=""><br class="">LATimes: “Before he took office in 2008, Barack Obama vowed to end America’s grueling conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. During his second term, he pledged to take the country off what he called a permanent war footing.<br class="">‘Our systematic effort to dismantle terrorist organizations must continue,’ he said in May 2013. “But this war, like all wars, must end. That’s what history advises. It’s what our democracy demands.”<br class="">But Obama leaves a very different legacy as he prepares to hand his commander-in-chief responsibilities to Donald Trump.<br class="">U.S. military forces have been at war for all eight years of Obama’s tenure, the first two-term president with that distinction. He launched airstrikes or military raids in at least seven countries: Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan.<br class="">Yet the U.S. faces more threats in more places than at any time since the Cold War, according to U.S. intelligence. For the first time in decades, there is at least the potential of an armed clash with America’s largest adversaries, Russia and China.<br class="">Obama slashed the number of U.S. troops in war zones from 150,000 to 14,000, and stopped the flow of American soldiers coming home in body bags. He also used diplomacy, not war, to defuse a tense nuclear standoff with Iran.<br class="">But he vastly expanded the role of elite commando units and the use of new technology, including armed drones and cyber weapons.<br class="">‘The whole concept of war has changed under Obama,’ said Jon Alterman, Middle East specialist at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a nonprofit think tank in Washington.<br class="">Obama ‘got the country out of ‘war,’ at least as we used to see it,’ Alterman said. ‘We’re now wrapped up in all these different conflicts, at a low level and with no end in sight.’”<br class=""><a href="https://www.latimes.com/projects/la-na-pol-obama-at-war/" class="">https://www.latimes.com/projects/la-na-pol-obama-at-war/</a><br class=""><br class="">Reuters: “Just four of the 13 presidents in office between 1945 and 2020 - Harry S. Truman, Lyndon B. Johnson, George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush - officially brought the country into new full-scale wars (Korea, Vietnam, the Persian Gulf, Afghanistan, Iraq). If we also consider other military interventions, Carter and Ford join Trump in not starting or escalating existing foreign conflicts with U.S. military involvement.”<br class="">https://www.reuters.com/article/world/fact-check-which-us-presidents-led-the-nation-into-new-wars-idUSKBN2A22QR/<br class=""><br class="">Peace is Our Profession: NATO's 75th Year<br class="">War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength.<br class="">De oorlogen van de VS worden gepromoot als vrede brengend; de vrijheid van de deep state of the US (een groot deel van de bevolking zit overigens in gevangenissen) is gebaseerd op wereldwijde onderdrukking; en het middel om dat in stand te houden is censuur, gelijkschakeling van de media en intensief gecultiveerde domheid en/of onwetendheid van de bevolking.</div><div class="">De VS houdt van ellende en chaos in de wereld. Als er ergens een land is dat moeite doet om met zijn bewoners in vrede te leven dan wordt dat zo gauw mogelijk ondermijnd en plat gebombardeerd. Dat gebeurde o.a. met Joegoslavië, Libië en Syrië. Het kost wel een paar miljard om de eigen bevolking wijs te maken dat die landen gebombardeerd <i class="">moeten</i> worden, maar dan heb je ook alle vrijheid. Onwetendheid is macht.<br class=""><br class="">Scott Ritter: ‘My Life’s Work Melting Before My Eyes’<br class="">“I had been involved in a process of foundational importance to European security — the implementation of the Intermediate Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty. The INF Treaty was signed by President Ronald Reagan and the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev on Dec. 8, 1987. <br class="">In February 1988 I was one of the first military officers assigned to the newly created On-Site Inspection Agency (OSIA), created by the U.S. Department of Defense to implement the INF Treaty. <br class="">In June 1988 I was dispatched to the Soviet Union as part of an advanced party of inspectors to install a multi-million-dollar monitoring installation outside the gates of a Soviet missile factory in the city of Votkinsk, some 750 miles east of Moscow in the foothills of the Ural Mountains. <br class="">For the next two years I worked in the company of my fellow American inspectors, side-by-side with our newfound Soviet colleagues, to implement a treaty which, without our mutual commitment to making the world a safer place through disarmament, would most likely have failed in the face of deep-seated opposition in both the U.S. and Soviet Union (you can read about my experiences in my book, Disarmament in the Time of Perestroika.)<br class="">It’s Up to the American People<br class="">To cross that bridge the U.S. government needs a signal from the American people that such behavior is not acceptable.<br class="">We need a modern-day version of the June 1982 Central Park million-person rally in support of nuclear disarmament and arms control and against nuclear war.<br class="">America has an election coming up in November where issues of our collective existential survival as a people and nation are on the line.<br class="">There is no more existential issue than that of nuclear war.<br class="">As was the case in June 1982, we, the people of the United States, need to send a collective signal to all who seek to represent us in the highest office of the land, that we will not tolerate policies that lead toward nuclear war.<br class="">That we insist on policies that promote nuclear disarmament and arms control.<br class="">That we demand that our diplomats begin talking with their Russian counterparts.<br class="">I’m tired of watching my life’s work melt before my very eyes.<br class="">It’s time to rebuild the foundations of our collective survival.<br class="">To make mainstream the cause of disarmament that once saved us from nuclear Armageddon.”<br class=""><br class="">Er is geen enkele reden om het 75-jarig bestaan van de NAVO te vieren. Er valt niets te vieren.</div><div class="">Fuck the US! No, exactly.<br class=""><br class="">Hetty<br class=""><div class="">
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