::fibreculture:: The University of Sydney Job Announcement

Vanessa Duke vanessa.duke at sydney.edu.au
Wed Jun 16 05:36:00 CEST 2010




Design creates the future. Bring your vision for research and teaching
in design and computation to a creative and internationally renowned
group of academics in the Design Lab at the Faculty of Architecture,
Design and Planning. Our strengths are in computational design,
interaction design, and electronic media arts. We teach principles of
computation, interaction, and design within the context of innovative
design studios at the undergraduate and graduate level. We have a
dynamic and cutting edge research program funded through grants from the
Australian Research Council.


The Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning at the University of
Sydney is internationally recognised for its teaching on a wide range of
highly sought after undergraduate and graduate degrees. We have
extensive dedicated design studios, the best-equipped design computing
and digital architecture laboratories and the largest architecture,
urban design and planning library in the Southern Hemisphere. In
addition to our Design Lab, our research disciplines include
Architecture and Urbanism, Urban and Regional Planning (including the
Planning Research Centre) and Architectural Science. Our goal is to be
the leader in the region, building on its traditional links and those
with Asia.


At a time of expansion and repositioning for the future, we have
welcomed eight new academic staff members over the past two years and
now look forward to making a new strategic appointment of a Professor in
Design and Computation. A cross-disciplinary research interest that
intersects with or is tangential to the research projects currently
ongoing in the Design Lab will be viewed favourably, as will a broad
range of scientific and artistic fields that relate to design.


As the Professor you will contribute to the research and teaching in
computational design, interaction design or electronic media arts, at
both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels, and contribute to the
formation of a new multi-disciplinary research cluster with other
academic staff in the faculty. A born leader, you will identify new
research directions that will help foster the faculty's research


Remuneration Package

A competitive salary (which includes a base salary Professor E, leave
loading, up to 17% employer's contribution to superannuation from the
University) will be negotiated with the successful applicant. Assistance
with relocation may also be provided. Membership of a University
approved superannuation scheme is a condition of appointment for new



The appointment will be full-time continuing (tenured) and may be
subject to the completion of a satisfactory probation.


Additional Information

Candidates are encouraged to read the Information Pack prior to
applying. Selection criteria must be addressed in order to be considered
for the position. The selection criteria can be found in the candidate
Information Pack which can be obtained by contacting Ms. Paulina Rojas,
Recruitment Administrator, on paulina.rojas at sydney.edu.au
<mailto:paulina.rojas at sydney.edu.au> 


CLOSING DATE: 19 July 2010 (11:30pm Sydney time)



VANESSA DUKE | Candidate Research and Sourcing Analyst 
SydneyRecruitment | Human Resources 


Level 1 | The Box Factory (K06) | 1-3 Ross Street | NSW | 2006

T +61 2 8627 1238 | F +61 2 8627 1201| M +61 437 544 264 
E vanessa.duke at sydney.edu.au | W http://sydney.edu.au  



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