::fibreculture:: Invite: The Memorial: Opening Tuesday June 29 2010 6-8pm

Melinda Rackham melinda at subtle.net
Fri Jun 25 10:52:54 CEST 2010

Hi there
If u are in Melbourne next week it would be lovely to see you at the  
opening of the Memorial
  - in which I have a tapestry of the Laughing Cavalier made by my  
late mother.


The Memorial
Opening Tuesday June 29 2010 6-8pm

For the first exhibition of DEATH BE KIND, curators Claire Lambe and  
Elvis Richardson present The Memorial - an elaborate display-case  
housing a collection of beloved objects that once belonged to a  
deceased relative, friend, acquaintance or lover chosen by over 100  
people from all walks of life who have kindly participated in this  

The Memorial presentation is reminiscent of the small private museum  
and employs the language of display to create symbiotic dialogues  
through the relational placement of the works. A complex display case  
has been constructed so as to elevate the importance and meanings of  
the beloved objects and gently navigate the viewers experience of the  
gallery space.

The Memorial retells the stories behind the objects that we keep to  
evoke memory of the deceased, how these objects maintain ongoing  
relationship with the dead, and how these material possessions remain  
important in memory making. Each object has been documented and texts  
collected from the holder about their object to create a catalogue of  
texts that caption the objects personal meanings in a zine.

Zine also features writers Morgan Fayle, David Luker and Ruth Learner  
and artist Marina Lutz.

best wishes


Melinda Rackham
melinda at subtle.net

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