::fibreculture:: CFP: MIRAJ Moving Image Review & Art Journal

Sean Cubitt scubitt at unimelb.edu.au
Sun Oct 3 22:28:08 CEST 2010

Though this is formally an announce, I wanted to say that this is really
important, and worth a discussion. Not so much on the probity of open access
and refereeing, but on the question of medium specificity - as likely topic
of an early special issue.

But also important to internationalise!



The Moving Image Review & Art Journal (MIRAJ) is the first peer-reviewed
publication devoted to artists¹ film and video, and its contexts. It is
published twice a year in print by Intellect Books in collaboration with the
CCW Graduate School, University of the Arts London. MIRAJ offers a widely
distributed international forum for debates surrounding all forms of
artists¹ moving image and media artworks.

The editors invite contributions from art historians and critics, film and
media scholars, curators, and, not least, practitioners. We seek pieces that
offer theories of the present moment but also writings that propose
historical re-readings.  We welcome essays that:
€ re-view canonical works and texts, or identify ruptures in the standard
histories of artists¹ film and video;
€ discuss the development of media arts, including the history of imaging
technologies, as a strand within the history of art;
€ address issues of the ontology and medium-specificity of film, video and
new media, or the entanglement of the moving image in a Œpost-medium
€ attempt to account for the rise of projected and screen-based images in
contemporary art, and the social, technological, or political-economic
effects of this proliferation;
€ investigate interconnections between moving images and still images; the
role of sound; the televisual; and the interaction of the moving image with
other elements including technology, human presence and the installation
€ analyse para-cinematic or extra-cinematic works to discover what these
tell us about cinematic properties such as temporal progression or
spectatorial immersion or mimetic representation;
€ explore issues of subjectivity and spectatorship;
€ investigate the spread of moving images beyond the classical spaces of the
cinema and the gallery, across multiple institutions, sites and delivery
€ consider the diverse uses of the moving image in art: from political
activism to pure sensory and aesthetic pleasure, from reportage to
documentary testimony, from performativity to social networking;
€ suggest new methods of theorizing and writing the moving image.

We welcome work that intersects with other academic disciplines and artistic
practices. We encourage writing that is lucid without compromising
intellectual rigour.

We publish the following types of writing: scholarly articles (5000­8000
words); opinion pieces or polemics (1000 words); feature articles and
interviews (3000 words); reviews of books, exhibitions, and events
(1500­3000 words). Only scholarly articles will be blind peer-reviewed.  All
writings should propose a central idea or thesis argued through a discussion
of the work under review.

All submissions should be in English and adhere to the Intellect Style Guide

For scholarly articles, please submit completed manuscripts. For all other
types of writing, please only submit 500 word proposals in the first
instance.  Send all contributions and proposals by e-mail in doc or rtf
format to the Editorial Assistant, Kate Pelling, CCW Graduate School,
University of the Arts London: k.pelling at arts.ac.uk

Deadline for submissions: 31 January 2011.

Founding Editor: Catherine Elwes, CCW Graduate School, University of the
Arts London.
Associate Editors: Sean Cubitt, University of Melbourne, Australia; Eu Jin
Chua, Unitec, New Zealand; Janine Marchessault, York University, Canada.
Reviews Editor: Pryle Behrman, London.
Features Editor: Lucy Reynolds, London.
Editorial Assistant: Kate Pelling, CCW Graduate School, University of the
Arts London.
Editorial Board: Rachel O. Moore, Goldsmiths, University of London; A.L.
Rees, Royal College of Art, London; Mike Sperlinger, LUX, London.
The International Advisory Board includes:
Mark Bartlett; Suzanne Buchan; Ian Christie; Stuart Comer; Maeve Connolly;
David Curtis; T.J. Demos; Thomas Elsaesser; Stan Frankland; David E. James;
Laura Mulvey; Mark Nash; Michele Pierson; Catherine Russell; Tom Sherman;
Lisa Steele. 

Prof Sean Cubitt
scubitt at unimelb.edu.au
Media and Communications Program
Faculty of Arts
Room 127 John Medley East
The University of Melbourne
Parkville VIC 3010

Tel: + 61 3 8344 3667
Fax:+ 61 3 8344 5494
M: 0448 304 004
Skype: seancubitt

Editor-in-Chief Leonardo Book Series

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