::fibreculture:: geek vrs muso

stephen at melbpc.org.au stephen at melbpc.org.au
Sun Sep 12 17:34:10 CEST 2010

T'would appear a triumph for geek over muso ..

Anra writes,

Asymco, an industry analysis advisory firm, has come up with some 
interesting findings. 

The advisory company collected data from iTunes and upon analyzing it 
found that the app download curve is much steeper than the one for music 

Although music download is seeing a constant increase in the number of 
downloads, app download is catching up real fast. 

After its debut about five years back, iTunes currently has traffic of 12 
billion music downloads per month. However, App download has already 
touched the figure of 6 billion downloads a month in just two years of 
its launch.

Based on the rate of growth, app downloads are likely to overtake music 
downloads by the end of this year. 

This post was written by: Anra - who has written 59 posts on UK Gadget 
and Tech News, Reviews and Shopping.



Cheers people
Stephen Loosley
Member, Victorian
Institute of Teaching

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