::fibreculture:: positions in design (assoc. prof. + lecturer)

Ned Rossiter ned at nedrossiter.org
Wed Apr 6 01:02:26 CEST 2011

The School of Communication Arts, University of Western Sydney  
(Australia) is seeking to appoint 2 people: an Associate Professor in  
Design, and a Lecturer in Design. These ongoing positions require a  
range of skills and knowledge in convergent media and design.

The Bachelor of Design (Visual Communication) is located within the  
College of Arts. The School offers undergraduate and postgraduate  
courses in communication, design and music where specialist  
curriculum supports interdisciplinary pathways reflecting convergence  
in design and media practices.

The closing date for both positions is 29th April 2011.

Ref 292/11 Associate Professor in Design, School of Communication Arts
This position will lead the development of quality research in Design  
in a context of limited resources and a changing tertiary  
environment. The successful applicant will demonstrate high level  
thinking skills and an ability to identify issues and strategies for  
resolving problems as they occur in a complex environment. They will  
also demonstrate leadership in developing a strong research culture,  
particularly among Design staff. The successful applicant will work  
with the Associate Head of School (Learning and Teaching) and the  
Head of Program (Design) to ensure quality learning outcomes at  
undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Ref 290/11 Lecturer in Design, School of Communication Arts
This position will contribute to high quality learning and teaching  
in Design through curriculum development and delivery and to research  
in design, particularlyaround typography and contemporary and  
historical design issues. The successful applicant will demonstrate  
high level thinking skills and an ability to identify issues and  
strategies to resolve problems as they occur in a complex  
environment. The successful applicant will work with the Associate  
Head of School (Learning and Teaching) and the Head of Program  
(Design) to ensure quality learning outcomes at undergraduate and  
postgraduate levels.

Details on the UWS web site are at:  https://uws.nga.net.au/cp/

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