::fibreculture:: Digital Ligth Conference

Sean Cubitt scubitt at unimelb.edu.au
Wed Feb 9 06:08:57 CET 2011

Digital Light: Technique, Technology, Creation

A free symposium, 18–19 March 2011, Melbourne, Australia Elizabeth Murdoch
Theatre, The University of Melbourne, Parkville
Friday 18 March (2–7pm) & Saturday 19 March (10–6pm)

This interdisciplinary symposium invites leading international and
Australian figures working with digital light-based technologies to consider
the capacities and limitations of contemporary digital processes. How do
contemporary digital media imitate, advance or retreat from the achievements
of older techniques and devices? Why do accidental artefacts of specific
media become desirable outcomes in others? What role do artists and artisans
play in redefining technologies through technique? Artists, curators and
technologists will explore these questions from diverse angles, each
exploring the techniques and technologies used in depicting, recording and
projecting digital light.

Confirmed speakers:
* Geoffrey Batchen (Art Historian, NZ)
* Victor Burgin (Artist, UK)
* Steve Dietz (Curator, US)
* Jon Ippolito (Artist/Curator, US)
* Stephen Jones (Artist/Historian, AUST)
* Alex Monteith (Artist, NZ)
* Christiane Paul (Curator, US)
* Jeffrey Shaw (Artist, HK)
* Alvy Ray Smith (Computer graphics pioneer, US)
* Van Sowerwine (Artist, AUST)
* Lynette Wallworth (Artist, AUST)

Download the flyer at

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