::fibreculture:: CFP Rewire Conference, Liverpool Sept 2011

Sean Cubitt (Melbourne) scubitt at unimelb.edu.au
Fri Jan 28 23:59:28 CET 2011

After the success of rewind, the next iteration of the media art histories conferences is in Liverpool, and as you'll see below, they are feeling expecially northatlanticist: antipodeans will be present, but more is always good, esp as the conference follows neatly on the heels of ISEA in istanbul


> From: "Mike Stubbs" <mike.stubbs at fact.co.uk>
> Date: 27 January 2011 11:28:18 PM AEDT
> Subject: Rewire Conference, Co-Chair's Meeting & NJP Conference
> All,
> We are delighted to announce that we have over 60 submissions thus far to the Rewire conference, and we imagine that we will be receiving plenty more before the the deadline. 
> It would be much appreciated if you could continue to encourage your friends/colleagues/contacts/artists/academics to submit, so as to allow the most diverse pool of papers. Thus far, the majority of papers look like they are leaning toward a rather European and American axis, so perhaps we could push beyond this. Information about submissions can be found on: www.rewireconference2011.org. 
> I
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