::fibreculture:: War Upon Us: audiovisual Live-Performance on War and Peace

Alexandra Reill alexandra.reill at kanonmedia.com
Tue May 10 16:22:50 CEST 2011

[for English version please scroll down]


Audiovisual Live-Performance on War and Peace
DARKO* (B) & Alexandra Reill (A)

May 17, 2011, 8 PM

MAK - Museum of Applied Arts Vienna
A 1010 Vienna, Stubenring 5 


In einer audiovisuellen Echtzeit-Performance untersucht die Konzept- und Medienkünstlerin Alexandra Reill (Wien) gemeinsam mit dem Electronic Sound Composer DARKO* (Brüssel) die Rolle transnationaler Wirtschaften bei der Bildung von Frieden bzw. der Konstruktion von Krieg. Entsteht Krieg oder wird Krieg gemacht? Wer profitiert von Krieg? Welche Rolle spielen dabei die Medien? Und inwieweit sind Menschen wirtschaftlichen oder politischen Kriegsinteressen ausgesetzt bzw. können sie auf Friedensbildung oder Kriegsplanung Einfluss nehmen?

Pressekontakt Monika Meryn (Leitung)
      Olivia Harrer
      Christiane Vogl
      Tel. (+43-1) 711 36- 229
      Fax (+43-1) 711 36-227
      presse at MAK.at


      Audiovisual Live-Performance on War and Peace
      DARKO* (B) & Alexandra Reill (A)

      May 17, 2011, 8 PM

      MAK - Museum of Applied Arts Vienna
      A 1010 Vienna, Stubenring 5 

      A real-time audiovisual performance sees conceptual and media artist Alexandra Reill (Vienna) join with electronic sound composer DARKO* (Brussels) to examine the role of transnational enterprises in the creation of peace and/or the construction of war. Does war simply arise on its own, or is war something that is "made?" Who profits from war? What role does the media play? And to what extent are individuals subject to war-related interests from the economic and/or political realms? And can they themselves exercise any sort of influence over peace-building or war-planning? 

      Utilizing TV spots and blockbuster productions, DARKO* and Reill explore contemporary developments of a globalization which is formed and characterized by big business-and, not unimportantly, which is strongly influenced by the media.

      Press Contact  Monika Meryn
            Olivia Harrer
            Christiane Vogl
            Tel. (+43-1) 711 36- 229
            Fax (+43-1) 711 36-227
            presse at MAK.at

            ngo for new media

            contact: Alexandra Reill
            mailto: alexandra.reill at kanonmedia.com´
            writeto: 12/24, richtergasse, A 1070 vienna
            call: (+43-0)6991 820 70 03
            visit: www.kanonmedia.com
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