::fibreculture:: The Fibreculture Journal—New Issue—FCJ 21—Exploring Affective Interaction

Andrew Murphie andrew.murphie at gmail.com
Wed Dec 12 00:55:57 CET 2012

The Fibreculture Journal—New Issue—FCJ 21—Exploring Affective Interaction

Edited by Jonas Fritsch and Thomas Markussen



Adam Nash FCJ-148 Affect and the Medium of Digital
Lone Bertelsen FCJ-149 Affect and Care in *Intimate
Susan Kozel FCJ-150 *AffeXity*: Performing Affect with Augmented
Mark Gawne FCJ-151 The modulation and ordering of affect: from emotion
recognition technology to the critique of class


Andrew Goodman/Erin Manning FCJ-152 Entertaining the
Sher Doruff/Andrew Murphie FCJ-153 Multimedia Mixing and Real-time
Collaboration: Interview with Sher Doruff about the development and use of *
KeyWorx*, the Translocal and Polyrhythmic

>From Jonas Fritsch and Thomas Markussen's Editorial 'Exploring affect in
interaction design, interaction-based art and digital art':

The aim of this special issue of the *Fibreculture Journal* is to address
some of the contemporary challenges involved in working with affect across
disciplines and practices that centre on the use of interactive- or digital
technologies. The issue has a special focus on interaction design,
interaction-based art and digital art. The pivotal question, as we see it,
might be framed roughly like this: How do we explore the “field of
questioning” that arises when we approach the affective in relation to
interaction design, interaction-based art and digital art? What is the use
of disciplinary goals when the affective has been proven most valuable in
trans-disciplinary theory? Where do we go from here, that is, how can we
continue working with the notion of affect, develop it in new theoretical,
analytical and practical domains? What key concepts would emerge from this
continued trajectory and how would they feed back onto the theoretical
propositions? How would they resonate within and with-out existing
disciplines, creating novel links and assemblages?


"A traveller, who has lost his way, should not ask, Where am I? What he
really wants to know is, Where are the other places" - Alfred North

Andrew Murphie - Associate Professor
School of the Arts and Media,
University of New South Wales,
Sydney, Australia, 2052

Editor - The Fibreculture Journal http://fibreculturejournal.org/>
web: http://www.andrewmurphie.org/ <http://dynamicmedianetwork.org/>

tlf:612 93855548 fax:612 93856812
room 311H, Robert Webster Building
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