::fibreculture:: Iheap Paris - Invisual Studies - Call for Applications 2013 / Final Reminder

IHEAP iheap at iheap.fr
Mon May 20 22:42:09 CEST 2013

Institut des hautes études en arts plastiques (IHEAP)
Call for Applications 2013

Session 2013-2015

The Institut des hautes études en arts plastiques (IHEAP) offers 
participants a course of study where they can free themselves from the 
inherited art history of the 20th century, by investigating crucial 
issues of art in the 21st century, an ongoing history in which the 
participants will eventually take part.

IHEAP is open to all those who have an interest in singular and extreme 
practices which currently and sporadically appear in the art world and 
elsewhere. IHEAP is for those who want to change their artistic practice 
or professional activity, for those who after several years of art 
school want to break free of alienated learning, who expect more from a 
school than a framework for artistic production, for those who reject 
art as it is commonly practiced, and finally for those who wish to work 
on essential issues in intimate and experimental conditions.

The course of study is completed in two years. The first year is 
composed of sessions work that mix practice and theorie. The second year 
is dedicated to the writing of an activity report. Its purpose is to 
demonstrate the development of the participant's research.

IHEAP does not discriminate by age.
No specific diploma is required to apply.

Study at Iheap is equivalent to a postgraduate degree. The application 
fee is 75 euros. Tuition is 2800 euros for two years studies.

The two steps of the entrance examination at IHEAP: pre-admission and 

The submission of an application is an online process, according to a 
simplified procedure via a registration form:


Deadline for the submission of applications: May 30, 2013
Pre-admission results: June 5, 2013
Interview with the admissions panel: June 20 – 28, 2013
Results of the admissions: July 6, 2013

Institut des hautes études en arts plastiques (IHEAP)
Tél. : +33 (0)1 4534 3004
Email : secretariat at iheap.fr

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