::fibreculture:: Digital Humanities 2015 cfp

Ned Rossiter ned at nedrossiter.org
Wed Oct 15 05:24:23 CEST 2014

From: Paul Arthur <P.Arthur at uws.edu.au>
Date: Tuesday, 14 October 2014 5:35 pm
To: Paul Arthur <P.Arthur at uws.edu.au>
Subject: Digital Humanities 2015 cfp

Digital Humanities 2015: Global Digital Humanities
Sydney, Australia, 29 June–3 July 2015
The annual conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities 
Organizations (ADHO)

The call for proposals for the Digital Humanities 2015 conference is 
open now, with abstracts for papers, panels and posters due by 3 
November 2014. See: http://dh2015.org/cfp/.

The Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) invites 
submission of abstracts on any aspect of digital humanities including, 
but is not limited to:
humanities research enabled through digital media, data mining, software 
studies, or information design and modeling;
computer applications in literary, linguistic, cultural, and historical 
studies, including electronic literature, public humanities, and 
interdisciplinary aspects of modern scholarship;
digital arts, architecture, music, film, theatre, new media, digital 
games, and related areas;
creation and curation of humanities digital resources;
social, institutional, global, multilingual, and multicultural aspects 
of digital humanities; and
digital humanities in pedagogy and academic curricula.

DH2015 is the first of the annual international Digital Humanities 
conferences to be held outside of Europe and North America in its 
26-year history, and will be hosted by the Digital Humanities Research 
Group at the University of Western Sydney, in partnership with the State 
Library of New South Wales.


The Australasian Association for Digital Humanities (aaDH) is pleased to 
announce that 5 x $500 travel bursaries are available, on a competitive 
basis, to enable emerging and early career scholars and practitioners 
from Australia and New Zealand to attend and present their research. 
There are a further 10 x $1000 iVEC bursaries that have generously been 
provided for travel from Western Australia. For full details see 

Australasian Association for Digital Humanities (aaDH) Bursaries:

5 x aaDH bursaries (value $500 per bursary) will be available, for 
applicants resident in Australia and New Zealand. Bursaries are 
primarily intended to support outstanding emerging or early career 
scholars and practitioners.

iVEC Bursaries:

10 x iVEC bursaries (value $1000 per bursary) will be available, on a 
competitive basis, for applicants resident in Western Australia. 
Preference will be given to full-time Higher Degree Research students or 
Early Career Researchers (PhD awarded no longer than five years 
earlier), but others may also apply.

If you wish to be considered for any of the above categories of 
bursaries, you must first submit an abstract using the online abstract 
submission system and tick the check box indicating you wish to be 
considered for a bursary. Once the review process is concluded and the 
letters of acceptance have been issued in early 2015, applicants for 
bursaries will be expected to submit a written proposal for bursary 
funding. Everyone meeting the criteria for each of the bursaries will be 
eligible, but clicking the box will inform the Awards Committee that you 
will submit a proposal and will enable us to send you a reminder. 
Successful applicants will be notified once the rankings of the bursary 
applications are concluded.


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