::fibreculture:: Interactivos?'15: Material Cultures in the Digital Age. Call for collaborators
Difusion Medialab-Prado
difusion at medialab-prado.es
Fri Nov 20 17:26:39 CET 2015
Interactivos?'15: Material Cultures in the Digital Age.
Call for collaborators
Call to collaborate in the project workshop *Interactivos?'15: Material
Cultures in the Digital Age*
that will be carried out *from **December 2 to 16, 2015*. Collaborators
will participate in the production of the selected projects
The workshop is complete with a series of conferences and meetings and
takes place in the framework of the project Common Objects
<http://medialab-prado.es/article/objetos-comunes>, in cooperation with
Constant vzw <http://www.constantvzw.org/site/?lang=en>.
Free registration. Deadline: *November 30*, 2015.
Medialab-Prado offers free lodging to collaborators in youth hostels
during the workshop (limited seating, shall on request and by order of
registration).The last day to ask for a place is Nobember 23.
More information:
Plaza de las Letras
Calle Alameda, 15. 28014 Madrid
T. 912 191 157
difusion at medialab-prado.es
FB MedialabPradoMadrid
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