::fibreculture:: CALL FOR PAPERS: CODE A Media Conference of Platforms, Devices and Screens
Esther Milne
emilne at swin.edu.au
Wed Jun 13 02:43:21 CEST 2018
CALL FOR PAPERS: CODE A Media Conference of Platforms, Devices and Screens
Swinburne University
Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
19-20 November 2018
Keynote Speakers:
*John Cheney-Lippold, University of Michigan (author of _We Are Data: Algorithms and the Making of our Digital Selves_ NYU Press, 2017).
*Anna Munster, University of New South Wales (author of _An Aesthesia of Networks_ MIT Press, 2013).
For contemporary media studies in the so called age of social media, the role of data has never been more complex. At the inaugural CODE conference six years ago, a collective of digital media academics and creative practitioners were negotiating the rapid emergence of new platforms and devices, and exploring new approaches to theorising, researching and doing digital media.
Under the banner of software studies, platform politics, and digital media practice, the first CODE conference interrogated the multifaceted nature of code itself. At that stage, we only had an inkling of the coming impact of algorithms, automation, natural language processing, machine learning and neural nets, and the new wave of artificial intelligence.
The time has come to take stock of our data streams. And, in particular, to ask how the notion of code, both materially shaped and conceptually understood, helps to orient media studies in 2018.
CODE: A Media Conference of Platforms, Devices and Screens is a two day event consisting of workshops, studios, industry panels and papers. There are lots of opportunities to participate but specifically now we are seeking short research snapshots or provocations of five minutes. We are keen to move away from the old broadcast model of conference format with its death by PowerPoint approach. Instead, we want to hear about research plans, projects, methods, tools or critical perspectives. Whether it's an idea looking for partners, or the report from a project just completed, we encourage you to submit your work.
Possible topics could include but are not limited to:
*Automation and work futures
*The ethics of algorithms
*Data visualisation and the shifting boundaries of public and private life
*Screen estate and making meaning
*The literacies and uses of data analytics
*Second screen and new audience measurements
*New developments in machine learning
*What is data driven media studies?
*New screen texts: aesthetics and forms of the digital age (eg VR, the TVIV era)
*On-demand screen cultures
*Curatorial culture and the classificatory imagination
*Shifting boundaries of screen performance (eg motion and performance capture)
*Cultural heritage and GLAM industries
*Pedagogies of code
*Digital making and maker culture
*Digital archives, archaeologies, and histories
*****Preliminary Schedule*****
10 min responses to the keynote
Five minute presentations from attendees
WORKSHOP: Methods for ECRs and PhD students
WORKSHOP: Data literacies
PANEL: DECRA applications
PANEL: Screen research and practice
PANEL: Concepts, methods, keyworks
10 min responses to the keynote
*****Submission Guidelines*****
Please submit proposals for individual (up to 500 words) or collaborative presentations (up to 2,000 words) by Friday 29 June 2018 to: codeconference at swin.edu.au<mailto:codeconference at swin.edu.au>
Proposals must contain the following information: Name(s) of presenter; email address; brief bio; five keywords.
Anticipated registration costs:
Waged earlybird: $50
Waged standard: $60
Unwaged earlybird: $30
Unwaged standard: $40
Full details will be published at: code2k18.com
Organising Committee:
Cesar Albarran-Torres
Jessica Balanzategui
Dan Golding
Anthony McCosker
Esther Milne (Chair)
Emily van der Nagel
Supported by Swinburne's Department of Media and Communication.
Associate Professor Esther Milne
Department of Media and Communication
School of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities
Swinburne University, Melbourne AUSTRALIA 3122
emilne at swin.edu.au<mailto:emilne at swin.edu.au> ||| +61 3 92148195
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