::fibreculture:: Journal of Peer Production #13: OPEN

Mathieu O'Neil mathieu.oneil at anu.edu.au
Tue Apr 2 06:28:58 CEST 2019

<apologies for multiple posts>

We are delighted to announce the release of the thirteenth issue of the Journal of Peer Production ‘OPEN’, which features a great selection of content from open access journals, reflections from open access journal editors, as well as peer-reviewed articles on co-sewing cafes and civic tech amongst others. Our invited comments section has articles on common labour rights, open community health and good data. Enjoy!

Journal of Peer Production #13: OPEN
APRIL 2019
Issue editors: Mathieu O’Neil and Steve Collins

OPEN means recognising that we are all connected to each other and to the Earth.
OPEN means opposing racism and separation with inclusion and respect.
OPEN means standing by your opinions: we will not engage with anonymous cowards on social media.

Open access and the academic field
Mathieu O’Neil and Steve Collins

Plan S and the economics of scientific journal publishing
Karine Nyborg, Bård Harstad, Steinar Holden, Tore Nilssen, and Kjetil Storesletten

RFC Special section on open-access publishing for JoPP #13
Mathieu O’Neil and Steve Collins

Ten questions to OA editors
Thibault Daudigeos and Thomas Roulet (M at n@gement), Larry Gross and Arlene Luck (International Journal of Communication), Daniel S. Katz (Journal of Open Source Software), Chris Giotitsas (ephemera), Eva Hemmungs Wirtén, Johanna Dahlin and James Meese (Culture Unbound), Ekaterina Chertkovskaya (ephemera), L. F. R. Murillo, Jenny Molloy and Tobias Wenzel (Journal of Open Hardware), Mathieu O’Neil (Journal of Peer Production)

Open Humanities Press – The Inhumanist Manifesto
Gary Hall

M at n@gement – Open-access management research at a turning point: Giving relevance to a stigmatized object
Thibault Daudigeos and Thomas J. Roulet

International Journal of Communication – Open media scholarship: The case for open access in media studies
Jefferson D. Pooley

Journal of Open Source Software – Publish your software: Introducing the Journal of Open Source Software
Daniel S. Katz, Kyle E. Niemeyer and Arfon M. Smith

ephemera – The commons and their im/possibilities
Casper Hoedemækers, Bernadette Loacker and Michael Pedersen

Culture Unbound – Mobility, mediatization and new methods of knowledge production
Martin Fredriksson and Alejandro Miranda

ephemera – Hosting emergence with hospitality
Ekaterina Chertkovskaya, Christian Garmann Johnsen and Konstantin Stoboroda

Journal of Open Hardware – Welcome to the Journal of Open Hardware
Luis Felipe R. Murillo and Tobias Wenzel

Journal of Peer Production – Now, the Commons
Mathieu O’Neil, Johan Söderberg, Maurizio Teli and Stefano Zacchiroli

Stuff matters in participation: Infrastructuring a co-sewing café
Anja-Lisa Hirscher and Ramia Mazé

Open Source beyond software: Re-invent open design on the common’s ground
Kosmas Gavras

Openness, inclusion and self-affirmation: Indigenous knowledge in open knowledge projects
Nathalie Casemajor, Christian Coocoo, and Karine Gentelet

A topological space for design, participation and production. Tracking spaces of transformation
Sandra Álvaro Sánchez

Decentralising geographies of political action. Civic tech and place-based municipalism (Originally submitted to VARIA)
Omer Husain

Common labour rights and right to work in the commons
Calimaq aka Lionel Maurel

Open community health: Workshop report
Georg Link, Kevin Lumbard, Nicole Damen, Holly Rosser, Matt Germonprez, Sean Goggins, Andrea Wiggins, Vinod Ahuja, Jonathan Brier, Johanna Cohoon, Aaron Halfaker, James Howison, Don Marti, Greg Newman, Carsten Østerlund, Ray Paik, Becky Rother and Aaron Schecter

Good data is (and as) peer production
Angela Daly


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