::fibreculture:: Contagion Design: Labour, Economy, Habits, Data

Ned Rossiter ned at nedrossiter.org
Thu Oct 8 06:31:53 CEST 2020

*Contagion Design: Labour, Economy, Habits, Data*

*International Symposium*

*22 October – 12 November, 2020*

*Hosted by Institute for Culture and Society, Western Sydney University*



*Organizers: *Gay Hawkins and Ned Rossiter


How is contagion designed? How do labour, migration, habits and data 
configure contagion? Across a program of four weeks of discussion and 
debate, this event explores the current conjuncture through these 
vectors to address issues of rising unemployment, restricted movement, 
increasing governance of populations through data systems and the 
compulsory redesign of habits. Design logics underscore both biological 
contagion and political technologies. Contagion is redesigning how 
labour and migration are differentially governed, experienced and indeed 
produced. Habits generate modes of exposure and protection from 
contagion and become a resource for managing biological and social life. 
Data turns contagion into models that make a virus actionable and 
calculable. But can the logic of pre-emption and prediction ever 
accommodate and control the contingencies of a virus? The aim of this 
event is to explore these issues and their implications for cultural, 
social and political research. If contagion never abandons the scene of 
the present, if it persists as a constitutive force in the production of 
social life, how might we redesign the viral as the friend we love to hate?

This event organised by the Institute for Culture and Society at Western 
Sydney University includes speakers from the ICS together with national 
and international colleagues.

*Please note:*there are 4 events held over a 4-week period. The details 
of each event are included below, including the links to register. You 
may register for all or some of the events. Please register separately 
for each event you would like to attend.

Full pdf of the symposium program can be downloaded from the url above.

*Migration and Labour*

*22 October, 11:30am – 1pm*

*Register on Eventbrite:****https://tinyurl.com/yyyhns6s* 


Chair: Brett Neilson

Ritajyoti Bandyopadhyay, ‘Economic Informality and Democracy in India at 
the Time of Covid-19’

Joyce Liu, ‘What Comes After the Lockdown? A New Wave of Nationalisation 
and the Local Divide’

Anne McNevin, ‘Temporal Contagion as an Antidote to Renationalization’

*Contagious Mutualities*

*29 October, 4–5.30pm*

*Register on Eventbrite:****https://tinyurl.com/y6x2brga* 

Chair: Katherine Gibson

Stephen Healy and Declan Kuch, ‘Contagious Mutuality: Spreading 
Postcapitalist Possibilities’

Peter North, ‘Building Back Better in the UK or Back to Work?’

Teppo Eskelinen, ‘Redefining Community in Nordic Countries After the 

*Habits of Contagion*

*4 November, 4–5.30pm*

*Register on Eventbrite:****https://tinyurl.com/y4yto3jo* 

Chair: Tony Bennett

Franck Cochoy, ‘On the Art of Burying One's Face in a Band: How the 
Sanitary Mask Encounters the Habits of Laypersons and Experts’

Ben Dibley, ‘Demophobia and the Infrastructures of Infection’

Gay Hawkins, ‘Social Distance: Security, Suggestion, Insecurity’

*Data Contagion*

*12 November, 11am – 12.30pm*

*Register on Eventbrite:****https://tinyurl.com/y5ed2lb6* 

Chair: Ned Rossiter

Mark Andrejevic, ‘Biometrics “at-a-distance”: Touchlessness and the 
Securitization of Circulation’

Rolien Hoyng, ‘Datafication and Contingency in Circular Economies’

Orit Halpern, ‘Resilient Natures: Algorithmic Finance, Radical Events 
and Ecological Models’


Ned Rossiter | Director of Research
Professor of Communication
Institute for Culture and Society / School of Humanities and 
Communication Arts
Western Sydney University
Parramatta Campus
Locked Bag 1797
Penrith NSW 2751

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