[Filmfestivalresearch] FFRN website is now live

info at filmfestivalresearch.org info at filmfestivalresearch.org
Thu Sep 9 17:40:10 CEST 2010

Dear FFRN colleagues:


We are pleased to announce that the website for the Film Festival Research
Network has now been launched.  You can check it out at:


With this website/blog we aim to provide a platform where the FFRN and film
festival research becomes visible to a wider public.  Here we will post news
(http://www.filmfestivalresearch.org/index.php/news) related to the FFRN,
announce CFPs and welcome any posts on relevant topics like conferences and
conference reports.  


The website/blog uses WordPress software, which enables multi-user
publishing.  Thus, we welcome anyone interested, to contribute to the site.
We can create a personal author account for you and you can post news,
announcements or conference reports directly to the site.  If you have
questions or would like to have an account, please contact us at
info at filmfestivalresearch.org. 


In addition to providing news, www.filmfestivalresearch.org works as a
resource site, where you can find the updated version of the thematic
annotated bibliography as well as new additional listings, currently e.g.
syllabi on film festival classes and MA theses written in the field.
Because we now host the bibliography on our own space, we are more flexible
with additions and updates.  For instance, entries that appeared only in one
category so far in the print edition, can now be listed in multiple relevant
places (subsites) as space limitations are not applicable anymore.  We hope
to be able to do more justice to the entries this way.  We welcome any
recommendations, comments and additions to the resource section of the
website and as always to the bibliography.  Please be in contact through
info at filmfestivalresearch.org!


To sum up. We now have two channels of communication: the news section on
the website, which is visible to and can be commented upon by anyone,
allowing for immediate discussions between those visiting the website; and
the Film Festival Research mailing list, which offers a more closed space
for discussion and information exchange, having the added value of reaching
everyone subscribed to the list directly. 

We encourage everyone in the FFRN to use and contribute to both channels of


We look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,

Skadi Loist & Marijke de Valck


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Film Festival Research Network


0filmfestivalresearch.org> info at filmfestivalresearch.org





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