[Filmfestivalresearch] alternative/experimental/avant-garde film festivals

Greg DeCuir gdecuir at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 22 17:44:10 CEST 2012


Hello everyone.  I am developing a research project on the history of alternative/experimental/avant-garde film festivals in Europe and would like to ask for your advice.  I want to know if anyone can recommend any festivals I should consider in my research.  I am primarily concerned with festivals that are solely dedicated to alternative/experimental/avant-garde film and video but would also like to consider noteworthy sidebars and programs in larger and broader festivals.  In addition, I am most interested in festivals that were established pre-1980s.  I would like to look at both continuous long-running festivals and also limited life festivals.  Thank you in advance for any information you can give me.

Best regards,

Greg de Cuir, Jr.
Selector/Programmer, Alternative Film/Video Belgrade (http://www.alternativefilmvideo.org/)
Managing Editor, NECSUS_European Journal of Media Studies (www.necsus-ejms.org)

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