[Filmfestivalresearch] Symposium Announcement: Film Festivals Programming: from Europe to Asia, September 10-11, Venice, Italy

Dina Iordanova dina.iordanova at st-andrews.ac.uk
Wed Aug 1 15:43:50 CEST 2012

Dear friends and colleagues,

I am delighted to announce the programme for our next event on film festivals which will take place at the magnificent Aula Magna Silvio Trentin at the University Ca' Foscari in Venice, Italy on 10-11 September 2012.

We would like to invite you to consider joining us for two days of interesting debates on matters related to festival programming, festivals and national film cultures, as well as the specific of the festival circuit in Europe and Asia.

Looking forward to welcoming you for what promises to be yet another one in what is becoming a series of important exchanges that improves our understanding of the dynamics of global film culture.

The discussion will evolve in close proximity to the Venice International Film Festival (which would have closed the previous night) and will involve a number of festival practitioners, programmers and scholars engaged with the study of festivals. As part of the event we will also stage a launch of Jeff Ruoff's edited collection on festival programming Coming to a Festival Near You…, with the editor and two of the contributors present.


The event has received funding and other support by The Royal Society of Edinburgh, Ca' Foscari University of Venice (Department of Asian and North African Studies), Creative Scotland, the University of St. Andrews (Centre for Film Studies).

If you are planning to attend, please be in touch with Pasquale Cicchetti <pc35 at st-andrews.ac.uk> to register. While registration and attendance to the event is free courtesy of our funding bodies, we cannot support requests for travel, accommodation nor meals.

Dina Iordanova, on behalf of the organisers

Workshop: Film Festivals Programming: from Europe to Asia

September 10th-11th, 2012

Aula Magna Silvio Trentin, Università Ca’ Foscari, Venice, Italy

Monday 10th September: EUROPE



Tiziana Lippiello (Dept. Asian and North African Studies, Ca' Foscari University of Venice)

Roberta Novielli (Ca' Foscari Cinema, Ca' Foscari University of Venice)

Dina Iordanova (Centre for Film Studies, University of St Andrews)

9:30-11:00 PANEL ONE

Film Festival Curation and Programming

Moderator: Veronica Innocenti (University of Bologna)

Panellists: Jeffrey Ruoff (Dartmouth College), Alex Marlow-Mann (University of Birmingham), Nick Varley (Park Circus, Glasgow), Marijke de Valck (University of Amsterdam), Giulia D'Agnolo Vallan (festival programmer)

11:30-1:00 PANEL TWO

Film Festivals: National and Transnational Contexts

Moderator: Elena Pollacchi (Dept. Asian and North African Studies)

Panellists: Chris Berry (King's College), Gina Marchetti (University of Hong Kong), Gonul Donmez-Colin (independent scholar), Etami Borjan (University of Zagreb)

1:00-2:30  Lunch Break

2:30-4:00 PANEL THREE

Scotland: Programming Film Festivals in a Festival Nation

Sponsored by Creative Scotland

Moderator: Dina Iordanova (University of St. Andrews)

Panellists: Chris Fujiwara (Edinburgh International Film Festival), Matt Lloyd (Glasgow Short Film Festival), Laura Marcellino (film industry consultant), Robbie Allen (Creative Scotland, TBC)


Book Launch: Coming Soon to a Festival Near You, edited by Jeffrey Ruoff

With editor Jeff Ruoff, and contributors Marijke De Valck and Gonul Donmez-Colin

4:30 Close

Tuesday 11th September: ASIA

11:30-1:00 Film Festivals and Asia: Panel Discussion.

[Featured Guest: Chinese Filmmaker, TBC]

Moderator: Dina Iordanova

Panellists: Chris Berry (King's College London), Marco Ceresa (Dept. Asian and North African Studies), Chris Fujiwara (Edinburgh International Film Festival), Gina Marchetti (University of Hong Kong), Elena Pollacchi (Dept. Asian and North African Studies)

1:00-2:30 Lunch

2:30-4:00 Keynote Talk: Venice and Jia Zhangke's The World

Gina Marchetti (University of Hong Kong, Visiting Researcher Dept. of Asian and North African Studies Ca' Foscari University of Venice)

Discussant: Elena Pollacchi

4:00 Thanks and close

Curators: D. Iordanova, A. Marlow-Mann, E.Pollacchi

This event forms part of the Scottish Film Festival Studies Network

Università Ca’Foscari Venezia

Department of Asian and North African Studies

Centre for Film Studies, University of St. Andrews

Prof. Dina Iordanova FRSA
Chair in Film Studies
Publisher, St. Andrews Film Studies
University of St. Andrews, Scotland

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