[Filmfestivalresearch] Final Call for IFFS Registrants-10% off for FFR members
Laurie Kirby
laurie.kirby at imfcon.com
Tue Mar 27 00:07:23 CEST 2012
We will be hosting our International Film Festival Summit in Paris April 3-4, 2012 at the Hotel du Louvre and in Austin, Texas December 2-4th at the Hyatt in 2012.
Featured speakers include Jerome Paillard, (Cannes Market), The director of The Artist Michel Havanovicius, Lionel Chouchin (Deauville), Georgio Gostti (Venice Days), Stephane Huard (Universal France), Regine Hatchondo (Unifrance), Gregoire Vitry (Armania) and many more!
Executives from over 50 festivalsand industry leaders will be there to sha
re ideas about innovations in:
¥ Funding & Sponsorship
¥ Programming
¥ Operations & Management
¥ Marketing & Public Relations
¥ Acquisition & Distribution
¥ Digital Technology Solutions
¥ Executive Management
As a qualified film festival professional your conference pass includes all keynote presentations, panel discussions, case studies, networking breaks and hosted evening receptions.
Laurie Kirby, Esq., Executive Director
Laurie.kirby at filmfestivalsummit.com
Laurie.kirby at imfcon.com
(p) 626-470-6043 PST
(f) 917-398-2125
Founded in 2002, the IFFS & IMFCON provide the only annual conference & symposium for film & music festival professionals and entertainment executives to network, learn from one another, establish partnerships, and understand the latest trends in festival operations.
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