[Filmfestivalresearch] Summer School on Differences and Plural Identities during Sicilia Queer filmfest 2013 (Palermo, Italy)

dir Sicilia Queer Filmfest direttore at siciliaqueerfilmfest.it
Fri Apr 12 12:22:15 CEST 2013

For the first time in Palermo, on the occasione of the National Pride Parade, a Summer School on Differences and Plural Identities to heighten the role of the city as a lab for Queer Culture and Gender Studies. 
How to enrol at the Summer School
If you wish to enrol at the Summer School, you should fill in the forms attached and send them from April 15th until May 19th 2013 to 
 summerschool at siciliaqueerfilmfest.itThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 Fees charged for the Summer School are €50 and their due date is May 
31st 2013, before 1PM and the beginning of classes. The Summer School is
 subject to limited enrolment (60 students max). Therefore, in case of 
renouncement, students are requested to announce their decision ASAP, in
 order to allow other people in the grading to participate.

 For non-residents, the University will offer special conditions for 
board and lodging thanks to the agreements it will sign with facilities 
such as hotels and restaurants, situated near the locations of the 
Summer School.
 For more information, please contact 
 summerschool at siciliaqueerfilmfest.itThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 can enrol at this Summer School, even without the requested acquisition
 of ECTS, through a final exam, or by sending an ECTS request to his/her
 own faculty. The acknowledgement of these ECTS has already been 
approved by a decree of the “Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia” and 
“Scienze della Formazione” of Palermo. The same request has been sent to
 other faculties of the same university, such as “Scienze Politiche” and

Andrea Inzerillo
Direttore artistico 


festival internazionale di cinema glbt e nuove visioni
international glbt film festival and new visions

(3* edizione: 31 maggio - 6 giugno 2013 / 3rd edition: May 31 - June 6, 2013) c/o MIRA - Via Generale Arimondi, 79 - 90143 Palermo - ITALY 
direttore at siciliaqueerfilmfest.it 
mobile: +39 320 6181842

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