[Filmfestivalresearch] 'FILM FESTIVALS & IMPERIALISM' - essay sought for Palgrave Collection

Saer Ba drsaerba1 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 4 10:42:03 CET 2013

4 December 2013

Dear list subscribers:

*The Palgrave* *Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism* (Palgrave
Macmillan: 2014) is inviting expressions of interest to contribute a
broad-gauge, framing essay on the topic *‘Film Festivals and Imperialism**’
(3,500-5,000 words, including minimal notes and references)* for inclusion
in the collection, a definitive peer-reviewed project of two volumes —
750,000 words, with contributions by leading specialists from throughout
the world. The *deadline for submitting the essay* would be: *by 20th
January 2013*.

At this stage, interested colleagues should provide the General Editors
with a 100-word or so proposal of how they would approach the topic. The
first colleague whose proposal reaches us, and fits in best with the aims
and objectives of the collection, would be assigned the essay.

The essays in *The Palgrave* *Encyclopedia of Imperialism and
Anti-Imperialism* go beyond description to an analysis of the major
currents in each of the topics. In this respect, *The Palgrave* *Encyclopedia
of Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism* is a scholarly-reference work.
Scholarly-reference counts for academic purposes equivalently to almost all
refereed journal articles.

*The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism *will be a
scholarly reference work that will include the most current literature on
the subject. The project will have a broad readership attracting academics
and graduate and upper-level undergraduate students studying imperialism
and anti-imperialism across the globe. It will also be peer-reviewed by a
host of leading scholars spanning the academic disciplines.  The
contributor names will be listed prominently below the title of essays with
the biography in the beginning of the work. The same version of* The* *Palgrave
Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism *will appear in hard copy
and online.

Thank you for considering, as we are confident you will find this project a
major contribution to historical studies and new social research on world
history, humanities, and social sciences. By now, given that we have so
many contributors who are leading scholars of imperialism, we are confident
that this project will make an important contribution to the literature.

With best regards and wishes,

Saër Maty Bâ and Immanuel Ness

Co-General Editors

*The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism*

*Editorial Offices*

Brooklyn College / Graduate Program in Political Science

City University of New York

25 Broadway – 7009

New York 10004 NY (US)

Tel: +001-212-822-1708 (office)


iness at brooklyn.cuny.edu

drsaerba1 at gmail.com


 Mr John Akomfrah OBE, Filmmaker and Theorist (Smoking Dogs Films) London,

 Dr Vian T. Bakir, School of Creative Studies and Media, Bangor
University, Wales, UK

 Prof. Walden Bello, Department of Sociology, Binghamton University, USA

 Dr Yifen T. Beus, School of International Cultural Studies and Languages,
Brigham Young University, HAWA‘I

 Professor Patrick Bond, School of Population Studies and Development
Studies, University of Kwazulu-Natal, SOUTH AFRICA

 Dr Richard Bradbury, Writer/Lecturer/Activist, The Open University, UK

 Dr Zak Cope, USA

 Prof. Stephen E. Bronner, Department of Political Science, Rutgers
University, USA

 Dr Claudio Canaparo, Department of Iberian and Latin American Studies,
Birkbeck College (University of London); *Professeurattaché à la recherche*,
*Université catholique de Louvain*, UK/BELGIUM

 Dr Rajinder Dudrah, Department of Drama / Centre for Screen Studies,
University of Manchester, UK

 Dr Bill Fletcher, Jr., Institute for Policy Studies, USA

 Dr Patti Gaal-Holmes, Artist/Filmmaker and Historian, Portsmouth, UK

 Prof. Graeme Harper, Director, The Honors College, Oakland University, USA

 Dr Winston Mano, Director, Africa Media Centre; Communication and Media
Research Institute, University of Westminster, UK

 Prof. Florence Martin, School of Modern Languages, Literatures, and
Cultures, Goucher College, Baltimore, USA

 Dr Martin Mhando, School of Media, Communication and Culture, Murdoch
University, AUSTRALIA

 Dr Sheila Petty, Dean of Fine Arts, University of Regina, CANADA

 Dr Elena Pollacchi, Chinese Studies, Stockholm University, SWEDEN

 Dr Gavin Schaffer, Department of History, University of Birmingham, UK

 Dr Ousmane Sène, The West African Research Centre; and Cheikh Anta Diop
University (English), SENEGAL

 Dr Ashwani Sharma, School of Arts and Digital Industries, University of
East London, UK

 Dr Deborah Shaw, School of Creative Arts, Film and Media, University of
Portsmouth, UK

 Dr Marcel Stoetzler, School of Social Sciences, Bangor University, Wales,

 Prof. Keyan Tomaselli, Director, Centre for Cultural and Media Studies,
University of Kwazulu-Natal, SOUTH AFRICA

 Dr Gregory Vincent, Tuskegee Institute, USA

 Dr Valentina Vitali, School of Arts and Digital Industries, University of
East London, UK

 Prof. Michael Wayne, Department of Film and TV Studies, Brunel
University, UK

 Prof. Cornel West, The Institute of Art, Religion and Social Justice,
Union Theological Seminary, USA

 Prof. Patrick Williams, College of Arts and Science, Nottingham Trent
University, UK

 Mr Gregory Zucker, Managing Editor: *Logos: A Journal of Modern Society
and Culture*, USA


‘Knowing the Color of the sky is far more important than counting clouds.’ R.
D. G. Kelley

Dr Saër Maty Ba

Researcher|lecturer|writer: *film studies*|*v**isual culture studies*|*critical

Editorial Advisory Board: *WorkingUSA: The Journal of Labor and Society*

*- Guest editor: **WUSA 16(4) Dec. 2013: 'Film, Labor, and Migration'*

*- Associate editor: **The Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration*

- Co-editor: *De-Westernizing Film Studies (book)*| *Crossings 3(2) *| *Journal
of Media Practice 11(1)*

 - Selected publications:

- *‘When labor and migration dis-place film: sketch of an idea’*, in
*WUSA 16(4)
Dec. 2013*

- Copy-editor | proof-reader | translator | interpreter
(French-English-French): *penpal*

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