[Filmfestivalresearch] Attending Berlinale 2013?

Skadi Loist skadi.loist at uni-hamburg.de
Mon Jan 28 16:21:20 CET 2013

Dear film festival folk:


Since our little informal get-together of FFRN members at last year’s
Berlinale was much fun, I was wondering who of you will be in Berlin for the
festival.  If you feel like getting together with other list members over
lunch or drinks, drop me a line with your dates of attendance and I will try
to find a date and space that might be convenient for a meeting.





-- -- -- -- -- 


Skadi Loist

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Universität Hamburg
Institut für Medien und Kommunikation 
Von-Melle-Park 6
20146 Hamburg


Tel.: +49.(0)40.42838.6287
 <mailto:skadi.loist at uni-hamburg.de> skadi.loist at uni-hamburg.de


 <http://www.filmfestivalresearch.org/> http://www.filmfestivalresearch.org/



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