[Filmfestivalresearch] Film Festival Research at SCMS 2014 (preconstituted panels/workshop call for submissions)

Greg DeCuir gdecuir at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 15 20:44:47 CEST 2013


Great stuff! Wish I could be there. I would be interested in the issues and developments in the history of B and C list film festivals. Good luck everyone!

Best regards,

Greg de Cuir, Jr
Selector/Programmer, Alternative Film/Video Belgrade


 From: "ger zielinski, ph.d." <geraldzielinski at trentu.ca>
To: filmfestivalresearch at listcultures.org 
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 8:29 PM
Subject: [Filmfestivalresearch] Film Festival Research at SCMS 2014 (preconstituted panels/workshop call for submissions)

Suggested Titles/Themes for Preconstituted Panels and Workshop for SCMS
2014 in Seattle

The suggested panel/workshop titles/themes are for your consideration. If
you wish, feel free to suggest another! We are providing this service to
help coordinate the papers of the SIG members so that a maximum number have
the best chance of being selected to participate in the conference; this
has proven to be a very successful tactic.

Unless otherwise indicated, email your 250-word abstract, along with a
select five-source bibliography and brief biographical statement, and note
whether you would be willing to chair a panel. Please copy and paste
proposal into the body of the email message (and avoid sending
attachments!) and include in the subject heading “Film Festival SCMS paper
(or workshop) submission.” Email proposal to co-chairs and graduate student
representative of the Film and Media Festival SIG: Tamara Falicov
tfalicov at ku.edu , Michael Talbott mt1252 at nyu.edu , and Ger Zielinski
geraldzielinski at trentu.ca Deadline: August 1st.

Evidently, the titles for each panel/workshop will have to be refined once
we have received your proposals and they have been sorted according to some
compelling theme. Only the designated panel chair may submit the final
panel/workshop proposal for all its members.


   Issues and developments in the history of A-list film festivals.

   Regional festivals in a global context. Global cinemas in regional

   Online/offline film festivals and the emergence of streamed film
   festivals - supplement or future festival format?

   Linguistic challenges. The language of festivals, films, and the

   Politics and Film Festivals. How do national or international politics
   shape or attempt to influence film festivals today or in the past?

   Festivals and their publics. On the question of the festival audience.

   Do film festivals influence the development and exploration of film
   form? Do film festivals influence film form or particular associated
    genres, e.g. the coming-out genre in relation to LGBT film festivals,
   documentary film to documentary festivals, etc.

   Film festivals that go beyond film to performance, or music festivals
   that include film and other media projection? On the relations between
   types of festivals.

   “Play, Space, and Capital”

This panel invites abstracts for papers that investigate the relationship
between play (gaming, fan works, performance, ritual, productive play,
parody, and other examples), space (physical space, social space, ritual
space, boundaries, event or festival space, localities, and other
examples), and capital (production, consumption, “conduction” or
“pro-sumption,” structures of accumulation, legality and copyright, etc.).
We are most interested in critical and/or qualitative approaches to these
phenomena, and structural analyses, case studies, theoretical discussions,
and ethnographic or autoethnographic work are equally welcome.

Please e-mail a 250-350-word abstract, along with a five-source
bibliography and brief biographical statement, by August 1, 2013 to: Robin
Haislett (robin.haislett at ttu.edu).

   - Workshop on the flow between film festival activities and film and
   other scholars, their volunteer labour, shared expertise, involvement in
   committees, boards, programming, etc.

Ger Zielinski, PhD
Assistant Professor of Film and Media
Cultural Studies Department
Catherine Parr Traill College, Scott House 202
Trent University
300 London Street
Peterborough, ON K9H 7P4 Canada

T: +1 705 748 1011 X6113 (Office: Catherine Parr Traill College, Wallis
Hall 113)
F: +1 705 748 1826
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