[Filmfestivalresearch] Proposal for a workshop on Film Festivals and Markets at SCMS 2014 in Seattle

Enrico Vannucci 10132687 at brookes.ac.uk
Mon Jul 29 14:16:57 CEST 2013

Dear all,

following Ger's email about the CfP for panels/workshops at SCMS 2014 in Seattle, María-Paz Peirano and I have written the following proposal for a workshop.

We would like to share it with you before the deadline (August 1st) in order to find out if anyone of you would might be interested to join us as co-presenter and share your own experiences and expertise.

Workshop Proposal: “Films Festivals and Markets – research approaches and challenges” 
Film markets at festivals have emerged as the principal venues where film professionals from all other the world can meet to do business. Markets must both satisfy the attendees’ demands and mix seamlessly with the rest of the festival, usually more focused on artistic extents. They imply instrumental and ritualised social relationships between exhibitors (national film funds and private companies) and visitors (buyers, festival programmers, single directors and producers) customarily regulated not only during a specific event but also from one to the next.

The role of film markets at festivals arise a diverse range of questions in relation to contemporary film industries and culture: How do market exchanges relate to other areas of film festivals? What kind of political economies are put in motion in these settings? What kind of relationships are involved between participants? How do they influence film circulation, co-production and professional networking? How can we trace their impact on regional and national cinemas?

The proposed workshop aims to explore these questions, in order to promote a debate on the theoretical and methodological approaches and challenges that these markets entail for film festival studies. To achieve this, the workshop will be structured in a highly participative format. The presenters will share their research experiences and professional expertise to address some specific issues that they have encountered in main film festival markets, suggesting matters that will open the discussion with the rest of the participants, in order to provoke a stimulating and productive debate.  

Chair Presenters

Enrico Vannucci is a PhD student at Oxford Brookes University. His research is focused on the short film festivals ecosystem. Since 2010 he works as the artistic director of Ozu Film Festival, a 21 years old international short film festival and one of the organizers of the Italian Stand at the Short Film Market in Clermont-Ferrand. Moreover, as a journalist he has been covering major film festivals since 2009.

Maria-Paz Peirano is a Social Anthropologist from Universidad de Chile and a PhD candidate in Social Anthropology at University of Kent. Her doctoral research involves an ethnographic approach to film as social practice. She has been doing participant observation on the market strategies of Chilean film through the main European film festivals, working inside the largest European markets, Cannes and Berlin.


Cheung, Ruby (2011). “East Asian Film Festivals: Film Markets.” Film Festival Yearbook 3: Film Festivals and East Asia. Eds. Dina Iordanova, and Ruby Cheung. St. Andrews: St Andrews Film Studies. pp. 40–61.

De Valck, Marijke (2007). Film Festivals: From European Geopolitics to Global Cinephilia. Amsterdam: Amsterdam Univ. Press.

Fischer, Alex (2013). Sustainable Projections: Concepts in Film Festival Management. St Andrews: St Andrews Film Studies.

Ostrowska, Dorota (2010). “International Film Festivals as Producers of World Cinema.” Cinéma & Cie: International Film Studies Journal  10:14-15 (2010): 145–150.

Rüling, Charles-Clemens (2009). “Festivals as Field-Configuring Events: The Annecy International Animated Film Festival and Market.” Film Festival Yearbook 1: The Festival Circuit. Eds. Dina Iordanova with Ragan Rhyne. St. Andrews: St. Andrews Film Studies. pp. 49–66.

If you are interested you can write to us at: mp.peirano at gmail.com and enrico.vannucci-2011 at brookes.ac.uk



Enrico Vannucci
Research Student
Oxford Brookes University
email: enrico.vannucci-2011 at brookes.ac.uk
phone: +39 328 28 43 112
skype: hypervan
twitter: http://www.twitter.com/hypervan
research blog: http://shortfilmfestivalsresearch.tumblr.com

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