[Filmfestivalresearch] NECSUS #5 Spring 2014 festival reviews

Skadi Loist skadi at filmfestivalresearch.org
Wed Sep 4 21:45:36 CEST 2013

Dear festival folk:


We are open for submissions of film festival reviews for the Spring 2014
issue #5 of NECSUS_European Journal of Media Studies



The NECSUS film festival review section publishes critical writing on film
festivals. It offers a platform for writings that fall between the fast and
prolific genre of individual festival reports and the slow and rigorous
labor of film festival research. Rather than merely reviewing the latest
festival edition, contributors are asked to take a critical distance and
reflect upon one or more thematic issues that are relevant to the
professional field and/or for media studies. Reviews can be motivated by
current affairs but should also tackle issues that tend to remain hidden in
the midst of festival buzz.


For NECSUS Issue #5 reviewers might be interested in linking up to the
special section topic "Traces"

Deadline for reviews to be published in NECSUS #5 is February 1, 2014.


Please follow the general NECSUS style guidelines as explicated here:

Additional festival review guidelines are:

*	Maximum 2,500 words
*	Focus on up to 3 film festivals
*	Include short introductions of the festivals discussed
*	Choose one or more issues/themes to structure your critical review
*	Provide URLs of the mentioned festivals
*	Include your name and affiliation at the end of the review (no short
bios needed)


If you are interested in writing a festival review please contact the
festival review editors Skadi Loist (skadi at filmfestivalresearch.org) and
Marijke de Valck (marijke at filmfestivalresearch.org).




Skadi Loist

Co-Founder / Admin

Film Festival Research Network (FFRN)

 <http://www.filmfestivalresearch.org> www.filmfestivalresearch.org

 <mailto:skadi at filmfestivalresearch.org> skadi at filmfestivalresearch.org



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