[Filmfestivalresearch] New book: Women's Cinema, World Cinema

Patricia White pwhite1 at swarthmore.edu
Wed Mar 4 15:58:52 CET 2015

I am pleased to announce the publication of my new book Women’s
Cinema, World Cinema: Projecting Contemporary Feminisms (Duke
University Press), which explores the dynamic intersection of feminism
and film in the twenty-first century by highlighting the work of a new
generation of women directors as it circulates in the international film 
festival network.

"Women's Cinema, World Cinema is an exciting book for the connections
that Patricia White expertly draws and explicates between text and
context, auteur and society, national and global. Her knowledge of the
particularities of individual directors and national cinemas is
remarkable, as is her familiarity with their relevant histories and
critical literatures. Women's Cinema, World Cinema is a major work that
will transform how these films and filmmakers are viewed and
studied."—*B. Ruby Rich*, author of /New Queer Cinema: The Director’s Cut/

For more information, and to order the book directly from Duke
University Press in the US, please call 888-651-0122 and give them the 
coupon code E15WHITE at checkout.

In the UK and Europe, Women's Cinema, World Cinema is available from 
Combined Academic Publishers.

To order a copy please contact Marston on +44(0)1235 465500 or email 
direct.orders at marston.co.uk
or visit our website:
where you can also receive your discount
  *Offer excludes the USA, South America and Australasia.

Patricia White
Professor and Chair
Department of Film and Media Studies
Swarthmore College
Swarthmore, PA 19081
(610) 328-8148

S15 office hours: M 11-2, T Th 9:30-10:30 and by appointment

Women's Cinema, World Cinema

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