[Filmfestivalresearch] publications and (working) papers on Shanghai International Film Festival

Marijke de Valck m.devalck at uva.nl
Tue May 26 14:27:16 CEST 2015

Dear friends and colleagues,

Mid-June I will teach a one-week course on film festivals for advanced BA students of the School of Film and Television and Technology at Shanghai University. As my course coincides with the Shanghai International Film Festival I am looking for publications, papers, reviews and other relevant material (including unpublished work) to fully inform myself of the festival’s current situation and to use as course material. Because I know some of you are very familiar with or currently working on the festival, I’m reaching out via this mailing list to get the most updated information. Moreover, if any of you are in Shanghai in June, let me know as it is a great opportunity to catch up with my colleagues in Asia/working on film festivals in Asia. I will be in Shanghai from June 7th- 20th as visiting professor of Shanghai University, and should have time for such meetings, in particular in the first week. 

Very best wishes, 

Dr. Marijke de Valck
Associate Professor in Media Studies
Program Director MA Preservation and Presentation of the Moving Image
University of Amsterdam, Department of Media Studies
Turfdraagsterpad 9, room 1.15A
1012 XT Amsterdam 

+31 20 525 3994 
m.devalck at uva.nl 

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