[Filmfestivalresearch] 56° Festival dei Popoli - Roundtable
Vittorio Iervese
vittorio.iervese at unimore.it
Sat Nov 14 23:44:03 CET 2015
56° Festival dei Popoli and the EUI – European University Institute (RSCAS, Global Governance Programme)
Wednesday, December 2nd
"Uncommon Place(s) for a Differente Narrative of Migrations".
Alì says: “The point is, you cannot see migration. What you see is the consequences. You notice strange people walking in the streets of yoour town and think, ‘Ah, these immigrants!’ Or someone draws your attention to a group of ragged people trying to board on a train, and say, ‘How tragic!’ But what do you know of the difference between hope and despair? What do you know of a gasp provoked by fear or a sigh of relief? What do you know of all of this, if your eyes can’t see, your ears can’t listen, your words can’t tell?” This meeting is an attempt to answer Ali’s questions, searching for new ways to describe contemporary migrations and share stories that involve alla of us. This seminar is a space for discussion, trying to construct other places, possibly less ‘commn’ than those we are used to.
The roundtalble is part of the focus:
Ali in the City - Contemporary Migration Patterns: Drifts and Destinations
( http://www.festivaldeipopoli.org/en/festival/festival_sections/2015/159 <http://www.festivaldeipopoli.org/en/festival/festival_sections/2015/159> )
What lies behind the landings in Lampedusa, the families crowding the stairs of the Budapest train station, the young men and women clinging to the cliffs in Ventimiglia? With multitudes of migrants arriving in Europe, the geometric order of daily space seems out of joint. But the actual invasion is the one coming from images: whether menacing or filled with pietism, accompanied by hate speech and scared thoughts. This cycle of films is the way we chose to rebel against homologating words and pictures, unearthing the life (and death) behind the journey of those who risk their lives for a chance at a lifetime.
15:00 La mer nous accroche pas | Omar Ba & Malick Nejmi (FRA/MAROCCO, 2015, 55’)
16:00 Roundtable
Welcome: Vittorio Iervese | UniMORE-Festival dei Popoli Chair person: Anna Triandafyllidou | GGP-EUI
Nicola Mai | Sociologist and Filmmaker, Kingston University London Malik Nejmi | Artist
Beatrice Ferrara | Cspg-Università “L’orientale”
Fabrizio Gatti | Journalist “L’Espresso”
Samira di Nicola Mai (FRA, 2014, 27’)
Q&A with the director Nicola Mai and Anna Triandafyllidou
Napps - Memoire of an Invisible Man of Tami Liberman (GER, 2014, 30’)
The program of the Festival is available here: http://www.festivaldeipopoli.org/files/programma_2015_sfogliabile/ <http://www.festivaldeipopoli.org/files/programma_2015_sfogliabile/>
Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici e Culturali
Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia
L.go S. Eufemia 41100 Modena
tel ++390592055922
skypecontact: viervese
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