[Filmfestivalresearch] Publication notification (Septmber 2015)- queer film festivals

Akkadia seshta at bigpond.com
Fri Sep 4 01:44:42 CEST 2015

Dear Colleagues,

A forthcoming chapter in an Ashgate publication that may be of interest for those who are researching queer film festivals is coming out in September:

Ford, Akkadia (Forthcoming 2015). “The queer film festival as a gender-diverse space: positioning the ‘L’ in GLBTIQ screen content”, 
in K. Browne and E. Ferreira, Lesbian Geographies : Gender, Sexualities and Space, Ashgate Publishing Ltd., UK, pp. 177–190.

All involved are excited that this book will soon be in print, advance orders for University libraries can be placed.

The Editors have also advised that complimentary copies of the book will be made available for review purposes - any scholars 
connected to Journals, or other media where book reviews are published are welcome to contact Editor to arrange for a Review copy :
>> Kath Browne
>> Professor in Human Geography, University of Brighton, School of the Environment, Division of Geography, Cockcroft Building, Lewes Road, Brighton, BN2 4GJ

This is the second publication that has emerged from my work as Festival Director of Queer Fruits Film Festival (Australia) 2009–2012.

Many thanks,

Kind Regards,

Akkadia Ford
PhD (Candidate) Cultural Studies, School of Arts & Social Sciences
Casual Academic
Southern Cross University, Australia
akkadia.ford at scu.edu.au
seshta at bigpond.com

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