[Filmfestivalresearch] Live Cinema Conference, 2016
Atkinson, Sarah
sarah.atkinson at kcl.ac.uk
Tue Apr 5 17:12:54 CEST 2016
The inaugural Live Cinema Conference, 2016
Location: Strand Campus, King's College London
Date: Friday 27th May, 2016
Conference: 9:00-18:00
Evening event: 19:00-22:00*
*Please note that the evening event is strictly for guests aged 18 or over
The Live Cinema Conference 2016 brings together artists, practitioners, producers, commissioners, exhibitors and academics to explore the realised and potential impact of collaborations in the emergent area of Live Cinema. In recent years, there has been a growing trend toward the creation of a cinema that escapes beyond the boundaries of the auditorium through which film-screenings are augmented by synchronous live performance, site-specific locations, technological intervention, social media engagement, and all manner of simultaneous interactive moments including singing, dancing, eating, drinking and smelling. Such instances belong to the emergent area of 'Live' or 'experiential' cinema, and include all events inspired by the moving image with additional theatrical, sensorial, musical, spoken word or dance experiences. The conference includes speakers involved in the production, delivery and attendance of outdoor screenings, drive-ins, sing-a-longs, sensory augmentations, fully immersive experiences and event-led distribution, spanning the independent to the mainstream. The conference will capture the over-arching current state-of-the-field, as well as offering unique and in-depth insights into the various manifestations of live cinema economies and cultures. The day will include live panel debates, workshops and masterclasses addressing some key emergent challenges identify in current research.
The Conference forms part of a research project funded by the Arts Council England Grants for the Arts led by Lisa Brook of Live Cinema UK, in collaboration with Sarah Atkinson (King's College, London) and Helen W. Kennedy (University of Brighton).
As part of the programme, delegates will be able choose from one of the following specialist sessions:
* Funding ideas lab
* Intellectual Property (IP) & Licensing Master class
* Audience Development & Marketing Master class
* Training, Development & Education Workshop
Evening Event - The Hangmen, 19:00-22:00
We have devised a novel experience which draws together multiple elements, sensations and new collaborations from the live cinema and event cinema domains. Our event is centered on a film screening of the play The Hangmen (by Martin McDonagh) which was originally streamed live to cinemas on 3rd March to conclude its successful West End run. We will reintroduce The Hangmen's theatrical context and the liveness of its original broadcast through a unique fusion of performance, film and food in a playful re-play of the play. For the first time, the forms and aesthetics of 'event' cinema, 'live' cinema and promenade theatre are united in a hybrid, multi-layered, immersive and sensory experience, which promises to delight, surprise and enthrall the audience.
(In partnership with NT Live, Omnibus and Edible Cinema with Bombay Sapphire)
Day event - £120
Evening event - £35
Day & Evening event - £150
Dr Sarah Atkinson
Senior Lecturer in Digital Cultures
Departments of Culture, Media and Creative Industries &
Digital Humanities
School of Arts and Humanities
1.05 Chesham Building
King's College London
London WC2R 2LS
(p) 0207 848 1595
(e) sarah.atkinson at kcl.ac.uk
(w) http://www.kcl.ac.uk/artshums/depts/cmci/people/academic/atkinson/index.aspx
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