[Filmfestivalresearch] Article on San Sebastian Horror and Fantasy Film Festival

Rosana Vivar Navas rvivar at ugr.es
Thu Jul 21 19:06:20 CEST 2016

Hi all, 

I am writing to draw your attention to my article on San Sebastian Horror and Fantasy Film Festival. The festival is located in the Basque Country (Spain) and has been held in this location for over 25 years. 


It is an ethnographic research work undertaken during the 2012, 2013 and 2014 annual festivals and gives account of the rebellious and playful attitude of the audience. In this study I build on notions of play to explore the audiences' peculiar 'cult behaviors', some of which have been carried out since the festival begun. The article sets out to demonstrate that the uncouth attitude of the audience in this particular festival shows a more politicized position than within other 'more mainstream' cult-film communities in Spain such as the one in Sitges Film Festival. 

Rosana Vivar

Rosana Vivar Navas
Universidad de Granada
Facultad de Comunicación y Documentación
Colegio Máximo de Cartuja
18071 Granada - Spain
Teléfono 34 619873569

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