[Filmfestivalresearch] WG: Please Sign our Letter to the Cannes Film Festival Requesting Better Treatment of Parents

Skadi Loist skadi.loist at uni-rostock.de
Tue May 30 23:05:58 CEST 2017

Dear festival people:


Marian Evans wants to share this info (see below) and open letter regarding this year’s Cannes film festival problematic stand with attendees with children.  Please read and sign.





~ * ~ ~ * ~ ~ * ~ ~ ~ ⛵ ~ ~ 


Dr. Skadi Loist

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin


Universität Rostock

Institut für Medienforschung

August-Bebel-Str. 28 (Rm. 6008)

18055 Rostock



office: +49.381.498.2632 | mobile: +49.176.6204.0039

 <mailto:skadi.loist at uni-rostock.de> skadi.loist at uni-rostock.de |  <http://www.skadiloist.de/> www.skadiloist.de


 <http://www.necs.org/> necs.org | Steering Committee member European Network for Cinema and Media Studies (NECS) 


 <http://www.filmfestivalresearch.org/> filmfestivalresearch.org | Co-founder Film Festival Research Network 


 <http://www.necsus-ejms.org/> necsus-ejms.org | Editor Festival Review section NECSUS_European Journal of Media Studies 


~ ~* ~ ~ ~ ⛵ ~ New publication: De Valck, Marijke, Brendan Kredell, and Skadi Loist, eds. (2016). Film Festivals: History, Theory, Method, Practice. London, New York: Routledge.  <http://explore.tandfonline.com/page/ah/film-festivals> http://explore.tandfonline.com/page/ah/film-festivals  * ~ ~ * ~ ~ ~ ⛵ ~ ~


Von: Marian Evans [mailto:wellywoodwoman at gmail.com] 
Gesendet: Dienstag, 30. Mai 2017 00:18
An: Deb Verhoeven; skadi.loist at uni-rostock.de; Deborah Jones; Amanda Coles; Conor, Bridget
Betreff: Please Sign our Letter to the Cannes Film Festival Requesting Better Treatment of Parents


Dear All


Sophie Mayer, Mathilde Dratwa, Barbara Ann O'Leary, Alexandra Hidalgo, and I have written an open letter to Cannes requesting that they rethink their practices for treatment of parents attending the festival with children. Besides pinpointing the problem, we provide models currently used by other film festivals for creating more welcoming environments for children and their parents.  We intend to publish this open letter on  <http://agnesfilms.com/> agnès films on Thursday. 


We invite you to sign the letter. Here is the link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eN_FbI-mgMJ0Hw-FgWGFel1a3-vV2sxEQTOUIbcqLT4/edit?usp=sharing 


To sign, please go to the bottom of the page and add your name, your professional title(s), and your place of residence. All signatures will be organized in alphabetical order once the list is complete.


Here are some signature format examples from the letter: 


Alexandra Hidalgo, editor-in-chief of agnès films, director, producer, and assistant professor at Michigan State University. East Lansing, Michigan, United States.


Sophie Mayer, author of Political Animals: The New Feminist Cinema, critic and curator; co-founder of Raising Films. London, UK.


Mathilde Dratwa, Founder, Moms-in-Film, filmmaker, and teaching artist. New York, United States.


Please feel free to share this message – via email and private messaging – with filmmakers, actors, film critics, film festival organizers, scholars, and activists who might be interested in adding their names. (We're keeping it off social media.)


Skadi, It would be especially good if you could forward this to the Film Festival Research list, because I'm part of it only from my other email which I don't want to use for this, though If you'd prefer not to, I will. 


Thank you very much! 



Sending every good wish, Marian




Marian Evans 


Skype marianjevans 



About Me <https://marianevansonline.wordpress.com/about/> 


8 Oriental Terrace Wellington 6011 New Zealand

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"Women may be 50% of the population but they gave birth to the whole world, why wouldn't we want to know what they think and feel?"— Jane Campion

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