[Filmfestivalresearch] Invitation to: SHARMED (Shared Memories and Dialogues) - Final Conference
Vittorio Iervese
vittorio.iervese at unimore.it
Wed Nov 14 13:35:27 CET 2018
On 10-11 December 2018, the final conference of the SHARMED project
(www.sharmed.eu) will take place at the Department of Language and
Cultural Studies, at Largo Sant’Eufemia 19 in Modena (Italy). The
conference will be in English, *however materials in Italian will be
provided to participants*. Free Entry, for no more than 100 attendees.
The project implemented children’s collection and production of visual
materials on their own memories; involvement of children’s families in
this action; facilitation of description, comparison and sharing of
materials and memories in classroom; a web platform including an archive
with these materials.
Please register at the following link:
The conference will create an opportunity for an international
discussion among experts and professionals active in the school,
research and educational policy sectors, about the ways to facilitate
the dialogue at schools by using innovative tools.
The first session, on *Monday 10 December*, will focus on the
presentation of the SHARMED project, its objectives, activities, as well
as the Archive and Training Materials, and the tools developed by the
partner Universities. Some other projects will be also presented, to let
participants share a variety of actions carried out in Europe on the
same topics of SHARMED. In the afternoon, the second session will
propose some themes for reflection, showing examples how to facilitate
the participation of children, and some approaches to culture and
education for diversity.
The morning of *Tuesday 11 December* will be devoted to a Roundtable,
debating the state of the art and the future of policy making in Europe,
with the presentation of three best practice identified in three partner
countries: Germany, Italy and the UK, before addressing the conclusive
VITTORIO IERVESE vittorio.iervese at unimore.it
CLAUDIO BARALDI claudio.baraldi at unimore.it
CHIARA BALLESTRI chiara.ballestri at unimore.it
Prof. Dott. Vittorio Iervese
Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici e culturali
Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia
Largo Sant'Eufemia 19
I-41121 Modena
tel 0592055922
skypecontact: viervese
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