[Filmfestivalresearch] Focus: Film Festivals #3

T Krainhoefer_filmfestival-studien.de tck at filmfestival-studien.de
Tue Oct 30 12:54:15 CET 2018


The autumn issue and thus number 3 of trade magazine Fokus: Festival
highlights the mission and gradual change of the International Hof Film
Festival, one of the most traditional German film festivals under its new
management. Kent Jones, the director of the New York Film Festival, offers a
rare change of perspective with Diane, his directing debut, taking the side
of director for the first time. The fact that film festivals often showcase
artistic movements not just limited to film demonstrates the International
Film Festival Braunschweig with its focus on music in the film of as well as
the ongoing developments which can be seen also in the forthcoming issue of
the 60th Nordic Film Days and the 61st DOK Leipzig.

Download the third issue for free here:




Tanja C. Krainhoefer

Steinstr. 5

81667 Munich

 <mailto:tck at filmfestival-studien.de> tck at filmfestival-studien.de


An initiative of an alliance of independent researcher with the focus on
film festival   <http://www.filmfestival-studien.de>




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