[Filmfestivalresearch] Festival labour / working conditions of volunteers
Skadi Loist
s.loist at filmuniversitaet.de
Mon Nov 8 19:57:45 CET 2021
Hi Antoine, hi all:
There is the initiative „Fair Festival” from a subsection of the Verdi Union in Germany, which gives out an award to the festival that was rated as the fairest from their members.
The award was given for the first time this summer. (For full disclosure, my students and I set up the questionnaire, ran the survey and did the report). You can read the English version of the Report here: https://festivalarbeit.verdi.de/++file++60f180ca06db0b4cabd2ab36/download/Report_2021_SurveyFairFestivalAward2020.pdf
You can also see the presentation (in English) that took place this July here: https://youtu.be/U5aBUjk1LLU
However, I believe there was something else going on in Scotland, that Alexandra Colta was involved in!?
There was also another initiative on festival labor in Austria.
Yet, I seem to recall that someone else was mentioning an initiative directly addressing volunteers (rather than employed festival workers) – for either UK or Canada?! Am also curious to hear more...
~ * ~ ~ * ~ ~ * ~ ~ ~ ⛵ ~ ~
Prof. Dr. Skadi Loist (*/none/they/she)
Juniorprofessor*in Produktionskulturen in audiovisuellen Medienindustrien
Assistant Professor Production Cultures in Audiovisual Media Industries
Film University Babelsberg Konrad Wolf
Marlene-Dietrich-Allee 11
14482 Potsdam
office: +49.331.6202.212 | mobile: +49.176.6204.0039
<mailto:s.loist at filmuniversitaet.de> s.loist at filmuniversitaet.de | <http://www.skadiloist.de/> www.skadiloist.de
PI " <http://filmcirculation.net/> Circulation" (BMBF 2017-2022)
PI <https://www.filmuniversitaet.de/en/research-transfer/research/projects/project-page/detail/gender-equity-policy-gep-analysis> “Gender Equity Policy (GEP) Analysis” (DFG/ESRC/SSHRC 2021-2024)
Board member/founder: <http://www.filmfestivalresearch.org/> filmfestivalresearch.org | <https://necsus-ejms.org/> necsus-ejms.org | <http://www.eufa.org/> European University Film Award (EUFA)
Recent publications:
- Kinomatics team. 2020. “Disciplinary Itineraries and Digital Methods: Examining the Kinomatics Collaboration Networks.” NECSUS. European Journal of Media Studies 9 (2): 273–98. https://doi.org/10.25969/mediarep/15320.
- Loist, Skadi. 2020. „Zirkulation im Netzwerk: Eine Betrachtung zur Zirkulationskraft von Filmfestivals.“ Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft no. 23: 55–63. https://doi.org/10.25969/mediarep/14833.
- Prommer, Elizabeth, and Skadi Loist. 2020. “Where Are the Female Creatives? The Status Quo of the German Screen Industry.” In Women in the International Film Industry: Policy, Practice and Power, edited by Susan Liddy, 43–60. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
-----Original Message-----
From: Filmfestivalresearch [mailto:filmfestivalresearch-bounces at listcultures.org] On Behalf Of Antoine Damiens
Sent: Monday, November 8, 2021 7:44 PM
To: filmfestivalresearch at listcultures.org
Subject: [Filmfestivalresearch] Festival labour / working conditions of volunteers
Hi everyone,
I’m teaching a course on the labour of festival organizers next week, and I seem to remember someone mentioning (at NECS, I believe?) some efforts to improve the lives of volunteers. I must confess my memory is a bit blurry (this point of the semester, plus this was pre-pandemic), but this either took the form of a charter or of a union, I want to say in Germany? Does that ring a bell, and if so, would you be able to kindly point me in the right direction?
Thank you so much in advance - missing all of you. I hope we will get to catch up in person very soon,
Antoine Damiens, personal mailbox
<mailto:a.damiens at gmail.com> a.damiens at gmail.com
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