[Filmfestivalresearch] CFP: Film Festivals' Panel @ VISIBLE EVIDENCE - Documentary film festivals ecologies

María Paz Peirano mppeirano at uchile.cl
Thu Jan 12 20:41:20 CET 2023

Dear all,

For those of you researching documentary film festivals and documentary
film institutions and organizations:

Aida Vallejo and María Paz Peirano are organising a panel for the *2023
Visible Evidence **conference *that will take place at the University of
Udine, Italy, September 6-9 (

This year's theme is on "Documentary Ecologies", and we are putting
together a panel on "*Documentary film festivals ecologies*", considering
transnational and local festivals' ecosystems devoted to documentary,
ethnographic and other forms of non-fiction cinema. We are interested in
papers that analyse festivals in relation to documentary film institutions,
professional networks and organisations, documentary film audiences, and
other related agents in the documentary field.

We still have a spot left for the panel, so anyone interested in
joining in, please contact us at mppeirano at uchile.cl and
aida.vallejo at ehu.eus. We will send the panel proposal on January 16th, so
we will need your 300-word (max) paper proposal on the 14th the latest
(very soon!).

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask us,

All the best,
Aida Vallejo and María Paz Peirano

*Dra. María Paz Peirano*
*Directora de la Oficina de Género, Diversidades e Inclusión*

*Assistant Professor Facultad de la Comunicación e Imagen (FCEI)
Universidad de Chile Investigadora Responsable FONDECYT n.1211594** "Chilean
film audiences: film culture, cinephilia and education" *

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